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View Full Version : Use Your Gyro Flying Talents To STOP The Alien Invaders!!

11-10-2011, 02:57 PM
This is a special time of year in Mid-West USA.

Most of the leaves on the trees and understory have turned color and fallen.

EXCEPT for non-native invasive species of bushes such as Russian Olives, several types of Honey Suckle and others that REMAIN GREEN for several additional weeks.

That means if you can get out in the next couple of weeks you can take photos of woods and fields and the invasive species will stick out, making them easy to identify, map, record and if necessary remove.

Many property owners that do land management would be VERY HAPPY AND GRATEFUL to have this kind of information, especially nature preserves, parks, abouretums etc.

Gyros are the PERFECT platform for this kind of work thanks to gyroplanes (autogyros)'s inability to stall or spin and the low/slow flight model*.

*Please make sure you have the skill for this, not intended for low-time gyro pilots.

Ask around and you might find that FLYING FOR A GOOD CAUSE is very rewarding.

I am now asked to document several nature preserves each fall and my photos are part of a number of national presentations as well as expensive field and museum displays.

This is a GREAT way to put Sport Aviation and Gyros into a good light with non-aviators and the local communities.

Information on Ohio invasives can be found here:



Here are some examples.

This is how the forest / fields SHOULD look in the Mid-west right now:

Note: DARK green is OK, that is grass or red cedar.






Here are some examples of light INVASION...

Here are some examples of light INVASION...

(Look for the light green)



11-10-2011, 02:58 PM
Here are some examples of some BADLY invaded areas (note the light green).

Here the non-native species are killing off the native species. This can cause a domino effect as the other species (birds, salamanders, invertebrates, etc) that can only eat or live in the native species also die off.



11-10-2011, 02:59 PM
A field being taken over by Russian Olives. (silver-green)


Well, that is what I have to share.

I hope you found this interesting or at least scenic!

Thank you for viewing my photos.