View Full Version : RAF and New TV Movie

Bill Greenwood
01-12-2017, 11:13 AM
There is a new movie series that is really well done and worth watching. I think anyone interested in WWII and the immediate post war period in England would enjoy it, and there are RAF connections.
Its is titled THE CROWN, a 10part series that Ive seen on Netflicks, each is an hour so easy to watch. It starts a little slow then becomes very good. The main character is Elizabeth when she becomes Queen, however there are other historic figures and especially a lot of interaction between her and Sir Winston Churchill, one of the most important and interesting men of that time. I have read that the budget was $100 million and much effort was spent to make scenes authentic, but I cant vouch for accuracy in every word. Elizabeth has final say, but often is pressed by tradiition and history.
Prince Phillip is appointed a member of the RAF, honorary I suppose, and as he says, " I am one of the most senior in the service, but I dont know how to fly an airplane". He therefor decides to learn to fly and a a friend who is a senior RAF officer arranges flight lessons for Phillip. I dont know the airbase used but it has a gorgeous grass runway and there are great flying scenes of the lessons in a Tiger Moth. Im sure it is a real plane, not computer and they do loops and spins and Phillip loves it, and wants to take lessons every day. He continues on with his course, it is shown in several later episodes. Some oppose his learning but he persists with the Queens support. Some other flying is what I belive is a Viscount airliner, notable as they use the same tire for the nosewheel as a Spitfire main tire.
The last one I saw was post war and included Ike as now U S Pres when Russia had just tested an H bomb. Reviews have been at 90% with one critic wrting, "Faultless with its exquisite scripting and magnificent acting."

01-12-2017, 04:36 PM
It just won a Golden Globe for best TV series. While we have Netflix, I have not seen it because I don't binge watch and I won't watch shows and movies on a small computer screen. My wife binges a lot, Netflix as a streaming service came along just in time for her retirement.

I took my very first commercial flight on an Air Canada Viscount in 1966, Miami to Toronto.