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View Full Version : Continental O-300

Cory Puuri
11-08-2016, 03:57 PM
We had a member ask about the availability of a model for an Continental O-300 engine that they can drop into an aircraft design. Continental has agreed to provide 2D models in a GP4 or PDF file. I have two questions. First, is GP4 importable into SOLIDWORKS. Second, does anyone have a 3D sand-filled solid model of this engine that they can share so that it doesn't have to be redrawn? Thanks!

Jeffrey Meyer
11-09-2016, 09:12 AM
As far as I know GP4 files are bit-map/raster images, so they are not very useful in CAD software. SW does not know how to import GP4 files.
The PDF file may be slightly more useful, depending on whether or not it is also a PDF bit-map/raster image. If the PDF is a 2D or 3D vector image then it may be a little more useful.

Here is a link to an explanation on how to tell the difference easily:


Jeffrey Meyer
11-21-2016, 06:25 AM
... Continental has agreed to provide 2D models in a GP4 or PDF file....
Cory, could you post the PDF files offered by Continental? Let's have a look to see what we can use.