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View Full Version : Whose A Hero?

Bill Greenwood
08-03-2016, 10:30 AM
The news is full of stories about who is or not a war hero. I'd like to offer a few thoughts on this:
1.The least obligation to returning soldiers is adequate VA type care, medical care if needed and perhaps a pension for disabilities. These days it seems there are more devastating and lifelong injuries than in the past. Some may need employment training or assistance if they are unable to return to former jobs. A friend tells me that VA hospital care is good, but takes month to get an appointment.
2. Being captured in no way negates who is a hero. The Doolittle Raiders were certainly heroic despite a few being captured. I dont know where the line is when one becomes a hero, perhaps it is doing something extraordinary especially to help or rescue fellow soldiers. It probably is not just serving. I was in the military, and dont even consider myself a vet. If it was a different war, a different time, who knows.
3. Most of all, we should consider our young men and now young women, a precious resource and not to be foolishly or callously wasted in some war that could and should have been avoided. War must be thought of as the last option. Sometimes it may be necessary, but if I was Pres I'd find the worst part of the job sending other people's kids into danger especially that I had not faced myself.
If I was thinking about war heroes, I'd include not just a great fighter pilot or soldier, but Pres Kennedy who used good judgement, patience, and negotiation to avoid what could have been a major war over Cuba. We are a strong economy and trading partner and one day soon maybe American tourism may bring Starbucks and even Wisconsin cheese to Havana. The American tourism dollar is a weapon in peace.
4. Just honoring our fallen soldiers on a holiday or at a public event is good, but we should never lose sight that some parents have lost the most precious thing they had, and resolve that it should always be only when necessary, and for a just cause.

08-03-2016, 12:30 PM
The heroes of yesteryear were made from people whom had no choice. They were drafted. I speak after the revolution war or of the modern army. Now I understand some did volunteer. But the majority was drafted. They had no say in what they were doing. The soldier of today in this country volunteer's. When one gets hurt doing this work one must understand one knew what one was signing up for. I am not saying these people do not deserve our respect. But to label every one a hero, well we have lost the sight of what makes a true hero. If doing this makes one a hero so does working any hazardous job when one gets hurt doing said work. People even die doing the work they do, do we label these people hero's also. I am sure their families do. WWII had a lot of hero's and these men and women would not put up with the crap happening in this country today. Why they had to wait until 90% of them were long gone before they started doing to this country what they have. These men and women would have stopped this.

Speaking of this who watch the President yesterday speaking with that one dude, I have no idea who he was. I recorded it though. This " jerk " said if we would change our ways on how we deal with the world we would not have the conflicts like we had with Japan. I wanted to come out of my skin. Conflict. Japan attacks us and we need to change our ways to stop the conflict. As Obama stands there and says nothing. Made me sick. I thought if the generation who fought Japan was alive today they would be up in arms over this. Those are hero's. No other generation will be like that one. The greatest generation..IMHO.

Sorry I had to vent.

08-03-2016, 01:57 PM
I must be honest, ANYONE who signs up for the service is a hero to me. That takes guts and patriotism. Our veterans should NEVER have to worry about anything when their duty is over.

08-03-2016, 03:17 PM
I must be honest, ANYONE who signs up for the service is a hero to me. That takes guts and patriotism. Our veterans should NEVER have to worry about anything when their duty is over.

I would agree 100% but that is another story. What is happening to them and the VA hospitals is just sick. While I agree also that anyone serving our country are special, all them being hero's is pushing it. By the way my oldest son served 8 years.

08-03-2016, 04:20 PM
I had the honor of administering the oath of enlistment to my son and about a dozen other young men and women this past December. After he completed basic and tech school he was able to come home on leave. I brought him up to the airport and took him inside of the USO, signing us both in. I explained that this was HIS VIP club, with one at every major airport. The wonderful volunteer managing the suite that day then said that it was a way of saying "Thank you" for what people like you (looking at me) have done and (looking at my son) what you WILL do." I wonder if we could get a USO at OSH for AirVenture?

Whether or not someone volunteered is not the distinguishing factor in making one a hero. I am told that in Vietnam, many "flower children" performed selfless service above and beyond the call of duty. Overall, most of the military in Vietnam actually volunteered to serve there -- and many volunteered to go back again. In WW2, a decision was made early on to stop taking voluntary enlistments. Everyone was drafted, although you could "volunteer" to be drafted. (And many did.) Nonetheless, there is something about knowing that all of your soldiers, airmen, marines, etc., are there because they want to be there. I remember in the 1980's standing on the border between east and West Germany telling my soldiers that every one of them was there because they wanted to be there, and that almost none of their counterparts on the other side wanted to be there. I asked them if they thought that frightened those on the other side. It should have. In my mind, anyway, all of the soldiers I have led in peace or war were heroes. Some just never got the opportunity to prove it. Some did.

Mike M
08-03-2016, 07:12 PM
I would agree 100% but that is another story. What is happening to them and the VA hospitals is just sick. While I agree also that anyone serving our country are special, all them being hero's is pushing it. By the way my oldest son served 8 years.

If you want to know what USA single-payer "free for everyone because they deserve it" health care would be like........ask a Native American Indian or a vet. I'm a vet.

08-04-2016, 05:17 AM
If you want to know what USA single-payer "free for everyone because they deserve it" health care would be like........ask a Native American Indian or a vet. I'm a vet.

I am a native American.

08-04-2016, 03:27 PM
If you want to know what USA single-payer "free for everyone because they deserve it" health care would be like........ask a Native American Indian or a vet.

Or ask any progressive, civilized society like Canada, Sweden, Finland, Norway, France, England, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Singapore, Japan and dozens and dozens of other western countries that care about the health of their citizens and their free or almost free access to the highest quality healthcare.

Byron J. Covey
08-04-2016, 03:47 PM
Or ask any progressive, civilized society like Canada, Sweden, Finland, Norway, France, England, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Singapore, Japan and dozens and dozens of other western countries that care about the health of their citizens and their free or almost free access to the highest quality healthcare.

None of those countries has free health care. All tax their citizens to pay for health care.


08-04-2016, 05:48 PM
None of those countries has free health care. All tax their citizens to pay for health care.BJC

Of course it's paid with taxes like all government supported provided services. But the difference here is it's based on the economic and social principle and philosophy of universality. Everyone pays whether or not one uses services(just like public school taxes). The amount of tax paid on a per capita basis is teeny tiny minuscule compared to what one would layout on a per need hospital or doctor visit. I've been living with this wonderful system since 1966 and may it continue to infinity.

08-04-2016, 05:48 PM
None of those countries has free health care. All tax their citizens to pay for health care.
Just like the veterans and public health care systems in this country. TANSTAAFL, baby.

08-07-2016, 06:11 AM
Anyone still reading this thread might find this story about William Crawford interesting.

http://www.ocfusa.org/articles/lessons-leadership-squadron-janitor/#.V6clwzVCbaM (http://www.ocfusa.org/articles/lessons-leadership-squadron-janitor/#.V6clwzVCbaM)

http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/william-j-crawford-no-ordinary-janitor/ (http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/william-j-crawford-no-ordinary-janitor/)


12-13-2018, 01:16 PM
Right On!