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View Full Version : Security at Airventure

07-22-2016, 12:47 PM

07-22-2016, 01:16 PM
If they told you, they'd have to do away with you.

Bill Greenwood
07-22-2016, 01:45 PM
Not for me. I dont want EAA to look and feels like a 3rd world military camp. Hopefully the horrible things that have happened other places wont be part of EAA. It has always been a friendly place in the past, where a lot of people from different places with different views and backgrounds have been on their best behavior and getting along well. I recall one cop at the gate looking very bored and not at all on edge and that is what it has been in the past and should be. It has been like a friendly small town, and I have seen lots of acts of kindness and sharing there. One year I think the big comlaint I read was that water cost $3 bottle.

07-22-2016, 02:50 PM
Not for me. I dont want EAA to look and feels like an armed camp. Hopefully the horrible things that have happened other places wont be part of EAA. It has always been a friendly place in the past, where a lot of people from different places with different views and backgrounds have been on their best behavior and getting along well. I recall one cop at the gate looking very bored and not at all on edge and that is what it has been in the past and should be. It has been like a friendly small town, and I have seen lots of acts of kindness and sharing there. One year I think the big comlaint I read was that water cost $3 bottle.

+1 Bill.

Paul, security rarely prevents, it always responds and reacts after the fact. And that's a fact jack!

Tom Steber
07-22-2016, 03:54 PM
I remember a several years back when leaving after the airshow there were national guard all over with M-16 type guns out. Was very odd. Later I heard there had been a credible threat. Have never seen that before or since. But my wife brought it up just yesterday, wondering if there would be any beefed up security. I also remember the "sensors" they had in various locations a couple years ago. It's a strange world right now. So it wouldn't surprise me to see more security.

07-22-2016, 04:10 PM
I remember the guys with the guns. They were friendly folks but weren't at liberty to tell me what they were doing.

07-22-2016, 06:45 PM
Not for me. I dont want EAA to look and feels like a 3rd world military camp.

I agree. It would pretty much suck the life out of the week to see uniforms and guns around. Yes, if something happened, that would be bad, but living in fear everu day at every event makes no sense.

07-23-2016, 04:01 AM
If people use some common sense and not leave unattended bags etc around then hopefully it won't deter from a great experience. We are in unfortunate times, and having been through 2 bombings in London many years ago it's always something that is now unfortunately ingrained in my everyday life...