View Full Version : Cherished Cherokee

06-22-2016, 06:14 PM
My Cherokee was on page 86 of the June Sport Aviation magazine. I have been reading Sport Aviation since the early 80's. It was so awsome to see my baby in a magazine that I have enjoyed all these years. Even better, the man that previously owned the airplane between 1973-1997 contacted me saying how thrilled he was that I restored the plane he loved. It has been so neat learning the history of my airplane in such a personal way. Thanks EAA for the article!!!

Hal Bryan
06-23-2016, 07:33 AM
You did a great job on the story, Mick - as the guy who puts that section of the magazine together, I really appreciate your taking the time to share it with us!

Joe Delene
06-23-2016, 06:15 PM
Great looking plane too.

06-23-2016, 06:32 PM
Thanks Hal and Joe. I really enjoyed refurbishing that plane. I have always liked the Cozy experimental but knew I didn't have the spare time with my work schedule and family commitments to build one. This seemed like the next best option for me since I could fly while doing the refurb.