View Full Version : Announcement, New Book!

05-17-2016, 08:12 PM
Hey guys.

I am a new guy here, but excited to say that I have an announcement to make to the community. I am just about complete with an eBook that I think you might find interesting.

The Book is titled Engine Out Survival Tactics, and it is about how to safely recover from an engine loss event in your GA single, and specifically. It is written from the Fighter Pilot perspective and parallels the ways in which we train for emergencies and engine loss in fighters, with how we can do that (better) in our GA singles.

If you want to become an Advanced Pilot with regard to engine loss recoveries, glide ratios, Critical Action Procedures, and training for that unfortunate event, this is the book for you. CFIs, you can up your game with this training.

I also have some guest speakers in the book who will detail their real-world engine loss events and what they learned.

The book is not quite ready, but I ask you to check out my webpage, and also my Facebook page and "like" my Facebook page. This will enable you to keep "up to date" on new developments and the final release for the book as well. The eBook will be available in most major eBook retailers hopefully in a few months. (Nook, Kindle, iPad)

Thank you for your consideration and support. I believe this book has what it takes to take your engine loss training and knowledge to the next level!

Nate / Buster

http://engineout.weebly.com (http://engineout.weebly.com/)

https://www.facebook.com/Engine-Out-Sur ... =bookmarks (https://www.facebook.com/Engine-Out-Survival-Tactics-593180477504887/?ref=bookmarks)

05-17-2016, 08:14 PM
Here is the cover of the book!