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11-02-2011, 06:56 PM
I came across this listing in the latest Kit Planes magazine. Looks interesting. Anyone know anything about this plane, the kit, the company? What's the scoop?


Chad Jensen
11-03-2011, 07:31 AM
I looked in to this a couple of years ago because it keeps showing up on the KP kit directory. I don't know of any kits that have ever been produced, but it did go thru the kit certification process back in the mid 2000's and was approved. I called the phone number listed this morning, and it's a personal line, no mention of W.A.C.O kits...

Scott Huff
11-03-2011, 05:56 PM
I also recall a company that was making Waco Taperwing kits. Does anyone know what happened to that company? Are they still around?

11-03-2011, 06:56 PM
I also recall a company that was making Waco Taperwing kits. Does anyone know what happened to that company? Are they still around?

Probably Rare Aircraft in Minnesota. They will build you one, but I don't think they sell the kits anymore. www.rareaircraft.com (http://www.rareaircraft.com) Great folks that do incredible work.


Michael Hill
11-03-2011, 09:04 PM
I happen to own the plane in the picture, the second one produced. Great plane! The kit was being produced by three individuals in Ohio. There was a falling out between the partners and one of the partners, Ben Bagnal, now owns the plans and all parts for the kits. I don't think he is currently producing kits. The last time I spoke with him he was looking to sell the rights to the airplane and all his parts to some one who would produce the kits. That is his cell phone number in Kit Planes.

Chad Jensen
11-03-2011, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the info Michael. Good to know there are a few out there. Ben Bagnal was the name on the voice mail when I called this morning. Nice looking airplane!

Michael Hill
11-03-2011, 09:26 PM
Thanks Chad. Ben tells me that there are three flying and he has enough parts to build another, with the exception of engine and prop. It's a fun airplane and will out perform a friends New WACO with the same engine and prop.

11-04-2011, 09:58 AM
Good info! What a beautiful plane. I gotta think there would be a lot of interest in this design? I emailed the address in the posting, so I will let you know if I hear anything. Thanks, Tony

Michael Hill
11-05-2011, 10:59 PM
I looked back and EAA did an article on the planes in Sept. 2003. http://www.oshkosh365.org/saarchive/eaa_articles/2003_09_07.pdf
If you would like further information.


12-14-2011, 10:51 PM
If I remember correctly this is the company started by Mike Fisher after he sold the rights to his designs to the company in Edegely, North Dakota which became Fisher Flying Products. He used to have a spot at Airventure where I last saw him about 8 years ago.

steve pollina
08-01-2012, 06:47 AM
I am building one of those Taperwing "kits". I bought mine from the original owner, Ernie Body. Due to health resons he sold it to Roy Redman in MN. Roy started out offering kits but soon just starting making completed planes. A few guys just put data plates on the kits and passed them off as certified aircraft. The plane is built almost identical to the original WACO except for the trim system and motor mount. You can still get most of the factory drawings from the Smithsonian or on CDs. Look on Ebay for the CDs. The wings are the most challeging. I think WACO went out of their way to make them as complicated as they could. All most nothing is 90 deg. Even the spars slant at angles to the verticle. They also have a complicated pin and cam locking system to join the top wings to the center section which is built in 3 bays. This is NOT a KISS plane by any means.