View Full Version : Better but not much!

12-05-2015, 07:23 AM
I share with you the history of the medium bomber built by the Douglas should replace a company's success, the B-18 Bolo, but eventually supplanted by its competitors. Does anyone know if the plane came into action during WW2? If so, how was your performance? In the link below you will find a fantastic collection of photos, some of them rare and colorful this amazing bomber.


(http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/03/douglas-b-23-dragon.html)Best Regards.

12-05-2015, 04:02 PM
I am not sure why you post these things in Hangar Flying, rather than in the Warbirds section. For your answer here, note that the webpage you link to indicate the air force museum website as a reference. If you would go to the air force museum site and search for the B-23, you would find the answer to your question. (I just did that, which is why I know.)