View Full Version : Sound Quality in the Forum Buildings

07-21-2015, 08:55 PM

Just wondering if there's any way to improve the sound systems in the buildings in the forums area, particularly in the larger buildings like #7. I understand that airplane or vehicle noise is unavoidable, but in certain situations, it's very difficult to hear the speaker when there is even a minimum of such noise present. For example, I attended the Bob Hoover forum in building #7 today, and it was a full house, so I wound up having to sit around one of the outer edges. All I was able to hear for an hour and 15 minutes was "mumble mumble mumble" and about 6 words that I could make out.

When I attended the Tuskegee Airmen forum later today in the same building, it was less crowded, so I was able to get a seat closer to the speaker, but at times I had to really concentrate to hear the presenter.