View Full Version : Spitfire reportedly sold

Bill Greenwood
06-23-2015, 10:22 PM
I have read on another site that the Spitfire Mk IX owned by Wilson "Connie" Edwards of Big Spring, Texas has been sold and will be going to Australia.
I hope the new owner realizes what a special plane he has and cares for it as it should be. Connie got the plane when he was one of the pilots for the filming of the Battle of Britain movie back about 1970 and the plane is like a shot back into time, It is very original and I hope the new owner doesn't try to Lear Jet up the cockpit as we too often see done with other warbirds these days.
You can have an authentic looking paint job and that is fine, but you don;t fly on the outside, and a original warbird cockpit is a big part of the flavor of these planes.
I think it said that his Buchons were going to Austria. One is a very rare two seat dual control version, and I hope they preserve that unique plane. I'd sure pay to fly in it.

Connie has been one of the pioneers of warbirds and is quite a guy to know, as was his Son Tex.