View Full Version : Any thoughts about a Symphony Aircraft?

11-16-2014, 08:19 PM
Looking for my first plane and there are some 2001-2003's symphony aircrafts for around 65k. What I like about them is that are not that expensive for the year that they were built, they have a nice combination of modern avionics together with the classic steam gauges, and nice ergonomic seats. BUT the company went bankrupt so . . . What about parts? Is maintenance going to be more expensive? Why those in the haven't sold in almost a year?

Probably they are not that great so any comments or general suggestions from anybody with greater knowledge than a student pilot like myself would be greatly appreciated.

11-16-2014, 10:46 PM
The Symphony was a pretty terrific airplane. The German company that designed and built it didn't go out of business because it had a bad product, it went bankrupt because it was so poorly managed. It was fast(faster than a 172), had solid German engineering, was very sleek looking and had a very comfortable and ergonomic interior. The engine was Lycoming I think and it was a Part 23 certified aircraft. And because of that, provisions had to be made for a continuous supply of parts and support in North America. If your only concern is parts, you don't have to be worried as this company in Quebec will provide all the parts and support you need:


Byron J. Covey
11-17-2014, 09:37 AM
The German company that designed and built it didn't go out of business because it had a bad product, it went bankrupt because it was so poorly managed.

It is a (German) certified version of Glasair Aviation's GlaStar, with a steel tube truss fuselage structure added to expedite certification (verses composite structure.) The GlaStar has been supplanted by the Sportsman 2+2.


Todd copeland
11-17-2014, 06:16 PM
A freind of mine has one. Nice little airplane but they certified theperformance out of it. My Glastar flies circles around it with the same horsepower. The symphony is quieter though.