View Full Version : To Good To Miss

Bill Greenwood
11-12-2014, 02:06 PM
This one may not be about flying, but you may still enjoy it, and if you are as bored with the weather as I am, you will need it. Last week it was in the high 60's , people were even wearing shorts, and big smiles. Now it is 4 * and will be well below 0 tonight. It has been snowing for 3 days, all the while that I need to fly just one hour to make my biennial Flight Review current. It ain't even good driving weather, much less flying. So here goes..Two older men, both very devout, pass away on the same day. One is the Pope and the other is a lawyer. Since they die at the same time, they both arrive at the Pearly Gates together, where they are met by St. Peter in a solid gold golf cart. He says, "Hello men, we have been expecting you. Hop in and I will give you a ride to your new homes. He drives up to a small, plain wooden house, little more than a shack, and says, "Pope, this is your house.=, and the humble Pope doesn't complain. He then takes the other man to a fine and spacious mansion, and says. "This is your house." The lawyer is amazed and says. "May I ask just one question, why do I get this great house and the Pope only a shack." St. Peter answers, "Oh , we have lots of Popes up here, but you are the first lawyer we have ever had."