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View Full Version : Back To The Basement

Jim Rosenow
09-16-2014, 10:24 AM
Like somebody said a few days ago on one of the other posts, I (probably among most) have been totally out of simming for the good flying weather. Now it looks like our NE Ohio clousy Fall has begun. (400 and 1 earlier this morning) So it's back to the basement to re-learn everything I don't remember from editing various FSX config files early last Spring.

First project is to get and install a GTN650 in my FSX default 182RG panel where I installed the KLN94 last Spring. Looking out the window now, though, I may have to go fly first. :)

Anybody with a fairly lightweight computer tried Prepar3D yet? Wondering what the difference is in needed computing power. Thanks!


09-16-2014, 09:17 PM
You might check out the Prepar3d forum at Flightsim.com (http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/forumdisplay.php?81-Prepar3D)

Jake Rogers
10-13-2014, 02:53 PM
Hi Jim and others,
FSX and P3D simulation is what I do, so let me know if I can help out with any problems. I write Tutorials and Missions on my website FSXMissionsHangar.com. Let me know if you have any special requests for airports, maneuvers and/or approaches and maybe I can help out. I have not yet gotten into P3D's version 2, as I'm still PO'd about their not offering upgrades for existing customers, thus am hesitant to shell out another $200 for a program full of bugs. FSX is tried and tested and has MUCH scenery and addon aircraft, many for FREE. If you wish to visit and check out some of the missions, tutorials and other valuable info about FSX, just log in and reference EAA membership when you register (put in Profile). ALL EAA members are welcome. Thanks to all for this excellent source of information..I use it frequently to keep my work realistic.

Jim Rosenow
10-25-2014, 06:55 AM
Thanks Inuss and Jake! After I complained about the weather, it turned. We had an awesome September, and so far in October. Finally got down the basement yesterday, tried to fire up the sim, and it's DOA. Probably power supply, which isn't rocket science to fix. On the other hand, this may be the time to upgrade (that's the theory I'm going with to my wife :)

EAA 64315