View Full Version : Honest People, Except One

Bill Greenwood
07-30-2014, 03:19 PM
Airventure, ie Oshkosh has long be known for the honesty of people here, many cases have been reported of something left or lost, even something of value, and then being returned or turned in to lost and found.
I've felt secure here, for my plane and my things over the years.

I was sad to find out that not everyone is honest.

I did a forum yesterday, and when completed I was standng at the front of the stage talking to folks and turned to leave and found my bag that was on the table gone. It was only a yellow plastic bag, with a few personal papers in it, but the idea of such a thief still sits badly.

Joe Delene
07-30-2014, 04:55 PM
I wonder if it was by mistake? I also feel the crowd is 99.9% trustworthy. I leave my phone charging at times as I step away, realizing it's on me if it walks off.

Hopefully there was nothing of value in your bag, better yet if it turned up for you.

07-31-2014, 03:39 PM
I went out to walk among the planes in the north parking area. I stopped by and was talking to an owner and set my back pack down. I left it. My mistake was discovered almost an hour later. I went back and there were several people there and my pack was just sitting there. my mac and hearing aids in there, costly to replace. The woman said they decided just to leave it for a while to allow someone to remember it. Thanks to the EAA homebuilders!

Hopefully yours was a mistake - thought it was a Trade-a-plane bag. ?

07-31-2014, 10:11 PM
Two years ago my brother left his backpack with iPad and Kindle in it at Juneau, WI airport, where lots of OSH folks stop for fuel prior to the arrival procedure. He called later and one of the line guys delivered it to him that evening.

08-02-2014, 02:58 PM
I lost track of how many yellow bags & white bags with Flo's mug on the sides were being carried around. I'd look at more like; "Wow, someone took the time to clean up and throw that plastic bag away. Even when it wasn't "their" trash.

Inspector Fenwick
08-02-2014, 03:19 PM
I choose to believe it was an honest mistake. Someone might have looked at your papers and said, "what the ___ is this stuff?"

Take a look at the Lost and Found and you see there are many honest folks still around. You could start a camera shop/ipad - computer store with all the stuff in there.

Bill Greenwood
08-02-2014, 05:02 PM
I dont need to look at other items in lost and found to see examples of other honest people,but not in this case.

And I don't think it was an accident. The bag was short of a tan or light yellow, not as large as the Trade A Plane ones and not as bright yellow. It had some of my papers in it. It was right next, almost within arms reach to me on a table at the front of the stage, it was not just left somewhere. We finished a few minuties early, I still had about 10 min left in that slot to go. So no one was cleaning up anywhere.

I guess it was someone disgruntled. I made 80 sheets each of two pages, and had 75 maps to hand out, but still ran out. Despite saying that they were available right east of the tower, a few people seem to resent that they did not get a copy. I think that is one who took my bag.
Not very important in the long run.

08-03-2014, 05:41 AM
On Monday, I was getting into a car at Camp Scholler to head to dinner. Ten minutes later when we got to the restaurant, I discovered my phone came off my belt. I checked the car and quickly determined it must have come off while getting into the car. A friend called the phone. It was already in lost and found. I was pretty astonished and pleasantly surprised. That's a pretty long walk, so whomever picked it up hustled it right over to lost and found. I picked it up the next morning when lost and found opened. Needless to say, I was very appreciative that I didn't have to replace my iPhone.

08-04-2014, 02:37 PM
i have always heard about the honesty but never really had a first hand experience. This year my dad left a camera on one of the busses. within a half hour it was turned in at the bus park. The rumors are true!

08-04-2014, 08:18 PM
Just curious Bill, what forum were you teaching?

08-05-2014, 03:05 AM
I refuse to believe the bag was "stolen" on purpose. That's just not OSHKOSH or EAA.

Bill Greenwood
08-05-2014, 11:55 AM
The forum was Mountain Flying, Tue at 10 am hangar 5.