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View Full Version : New EAA Web Look

05-01-2014, 05:13 AM
It is hard to find the Forum on the new site and the activity has dwindeled even before the change. This may be the end of a former good list. Homebuiltairplanes.com has much more activity. I hope EAA will monitor the situtation.

Hal Bryan
05-01-2014, 06:30 AM
Hi Jedi -

Thanks for the feedback. As you've seen, there was a conscious effort with the new EAA.org to tidy up the home page - the old EAA.org's homepage had become a noisy mess, frankly. As it is, the forums are still only one click away - mouse over Education and Resources, and click the link. In addition, there are links to individual boards on this forum in multiple places on the new site, something we've never had before, and something I expect we'll expand on.

In addition, of course, the forums haven't moved - they still live right here at eaaforums.org, where they've lived for almost 3 years; if you want to go to the forums, there's no reason to go to any other site first. In fact, I just had a look at our analytics data for the past 12 year, and only 8.5% of forum users come here from EAA.org which was even less than I thought. I should also point out that, while this forum has never been wildly active, there certainly isn't any downward trend - there are busy weeks and quiet weeks depending on what goes in our world, but activity shows a steady and consistent average.

Regardless, you can bet that I am monitoring things. I appreciate the fact that you at least used to enjoy these forums and that you took the time to post!

Regards -


05-02-2014, 11:35 AM
I love the new web site, but I was wondering if there are any plans to add web cameras.
I miss the one that over looked Pioneer Airport, and would love to see one year round that over looks the grounds.


Hal Bryan
05-02-2014, 12:21 PM
Hi Joe -

Yes, we'll definitely be working toward reviving the old Pioneer webcam as well as the other cameras in the museum. We'll also have all of the cameras back during AirVenture Oshkosh this summer, including one or two additions if things go as planned. Keeping the cameras up on the convention grounds year round is challenging, because most of them mount on our wayfinding towers which are only erected during the fly-in, and are on airport property and thus not necessarily accessible outside of the event. We'll certainly look at doing a lot more of that kind of thing in the future, where and as we can.

Cheers -


05-03-2014, 08:49 AM
Thanks Hal

06-05-2014, 04:59 PM
Hi Hal,

i went to to the Calendar of Events to see if any local chapters might be hosting a fly-in. We are usually looking for something inside of 150 miles but I use to search 200 anyway. I am based in OH and the first event I see is in CA. That is not what I was looking for, nor do I want to search through 15 pages just in case. Perhaps what I am looking for is also just one click away but I have not found it yet. I guess we will have to do "rock, paper, scissors" to an old standby.


06-06-2014, 07:29 PM
Hi Hal,
i went to to the Calendar of Events to see if any local chapters might be hosting a fly-in. We are usually looking for something inside of 150 miles but I use to search 200 anyway. I am based in OH and the first event I see is in CA. That is not what I was looking for, nor do I want to search through 15 pages just in case. Perhaps what I am looking for is also just one click away but I have not found it yet. I guess we will have to do "rock, paper, scissors" to an old standby.
+1. On a regular basis I would check to see what was happening in my area. The current calendar is a pain at best to use. Please bring back the search by distance from an airport/zip code for events.

06-06-2014, 07:53 PM
I switched to socialflight over a year ago. Seems to catch most of the events in my area.


Hal Bryan
06-09-2014, 11:06 AM
+1. On a regular basis I would check to see what was happening in my area. The current calendar is a pain at best to use. Please bring back the search by distance from an airport/zip code for events.

This is coming. I don't have a date yet, but calendar functionality is a top priority for the next update to the site. As soon as I know more, I'll share it here.

I switched to socialflight over a year ago. Seems to catch most of the events in my area.


Yes, Tim - Socialflight scrapes our site for events.

06-09-2014, 11:07 AM
I switched to socialflight over a year ago. Seems to catch most of the events in my area.


You are right! socialflight does look good. Thanks!

06-10-2014, 09:22 AM
Yes, Tim - Socialflight scrapes our site for events.

Interesting, I did not know they scrape EAA. I joined Socialflight within a few weeks of launch a long time ago. :D


06-11-2014, 11:42 AM

Forgive me but now after trying to use the new site for a couple of weeks, I have to confess to a complaint. I normally view the site on my iPad or iPhone and dearly miss the ability to pinch, stretch and resize.

The new site looks better at first blush but doesn't seem to have the auto scaling via pinch and stretch that would make it easily readable. On a computer screen, it's great, on an iPad or iPhone, I now avoid eaa.org.


Hal Bryan
06-11-2014, 12:11 PM
Ted -

I appreciate the feedback. Can you give me some specific examples of content/pages where you need to zoom when viewing it on phone / tablet? Unlike the old site, the new site is specifically designed to scale and actually properly fit mobile devices - in theory, you can't zoom because you don't need to.

Also, for any text-heavy content, like news articles, the new site does support IOS reader view which I use extensively on both my iPhone and iPad for several sites I use regularly. I think that might make a big difference if you haven't tried it.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!

- Hal

06-11-2014, 02:31 PM
I hate to say this because it makes me sound like an old blind man (not good around my AME), but after staring at a couple of hundred pages of govt fine print during the work day, my eyes are tired by the time I get home and get to review what is new at EAA on my iPad.

The font size is just too small to be comfortable so I navigate to other sites. On other sites (like this forum), I can stretch things a bit if the native font is too small. I don't get that option at eaa.org,...I think it's take it or leave it, which defeats a very usable feature on the pads.

Thanks for listening!


06-27-2014, 11:18 AM
One thing I do not like is in regard to the AirVenture schedule. I'm usually searching for events by date, so I click on a date on the calendar. If I want to see a description of a particular forum, I can just click on the title. When I'm done looking at that, and click the back button on my browser, rather than taking me back to my search results, it goes back to the beginning and I have to search by date again. When I click the back button, I would expect to go back to where I was last.

07-08-2014, 02:10 PM
Trying to log on to the site for the first time, keep getting a service unavailable after clicking submit from member registration. Windows 8.1 Chrome Version 35.0.1916.153 m

Hal Bryan
07-08-2014, 02:54 PM
Trying to log on to the site for the first time, keep getting a service unavailable after clicking submit from member registration. Windows 8.1 Chrome Version 35.0.1916.153 m

Sorry to hear that krw20 - please send an email to membership@eaa.org so we can investigate and follow up.



07-10-2014, 07:58 AM
I'm still seeing the pull down menu in the wrong place using Firefox 30.0 and Windows 7.

Also, when logging in, after entering a password, can pressing Enter activate the Login button so I don't have to scroll down to see that button and switch to the mouse from the keyboard to press the button?

And when logging in, can I be brought back to the page I was on? It seems to always take me to my profile page.

Edit: Found one more item. On the Submit an Event on the calendar. The Start Date and End Date fields pop up a calendar to select the date. After I click on a date and press Tab, the cursor doesn't go to the time field. It then moves to the top of the page. If I manually type the date, the tab works correctly.
