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View Full Version : Great Warbird Line from the movie

Bill Greenwood
02-26-2014, 10:33 AM
I am watching 'THIRTEEN DAYS" about the Cuban missile crisis. Everyone should see this, and again if you saw it years ago, and especially if you are young and didn't live through it.

In one part , we sent low level photo recon planes over Cuba to update on the missile sites. JFK ordered the pilots " not to get shot at and not to get shot down". The point was that he didn't want to be forced to retaliate too soon or too much.
The pilot, Cmd, Ecker takes some hits, but makes it back to Florida safely, The guys on the ground are looking at the holes in his wing, and Ecker says he must have hit a whole flock of sparrows. One of the guys looks at the holes and asks, "Were those 20mm or 30 mm sparrows?

I was just at the asassination site in Dallas and said how good a president I though Kennedy was. He had to face one huge question and crisis, about as big as any pres ever, and his cool patience and judgement, in the face of a lot of hot heads like Gen. LeMay, kept us out of a nuclear war.

Some people feel JFK should have done a better job in the Bay of Pigs invasion. I frankly don't know much about that, but my inpression is that it was not primarily a Kennedy program. In any case, that was not nearly the worldwide war threat that this Oct crisis was.

Check 6
02-26-2014, 07:20 PM
Bill, I can't find that movie on Amazon nor via an internet search. I did find Thirteen Days and The Missiles of October. Is that the exact name? Thanks.

Bill Greenwood
02-27-2014, 07:50 AM
You are right about the full title. I turned on the movie after the start and just used the general title as I recalled it.
Sorry if I caused you extra searching.

The one I am referring to is the 2000 film produced in part by Kevin Costner, who plays O'Donnell who was RFKs lifetime friend and roomate in college. I think the title is THIRTEEN DAYS, and The Missiles of October may be the subtitle. It is a good movie, even if it seems to center more on and even overplay the role done by Costner. Incidently he may own a house here and spends some time here, but I've never met him. The President is well played by a handsome, intelligent fellow by the name of Bruce Greenwood, (aren't they all) but as for as I know we aren't related. Sadly the real O'Donnell was so wrecked by the assassination of both his close friends and alies , JFK and RFK that he died in his 50s partly of alcoholism.

There is an earlier 1974 film of a similar name, with William Devane, which I don't think is as good. The actors are not as good and the avaition and military scenes are not as good.

Check 6
02-27-2014, 08:05 AM
You are absolutely right about the full title. I turned on the movie after the start and just used the general title as I recalled it.
Sorry if I caused you extra searching.

No worries and I appreciate the movie suggestion.