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View Full Version : VET scam "charity"

Bill Greenwood
12-17-2013, 11:27 AM
There is story in the news today about a man getting a 28 year prison sentence for a multimillion dollar scam fake charity that preyed on vets. Sadly he is a vet himself.

We often, especially at Christmas, may want to help someone in need. Some charities are legitamate, but all too often they are not what we expect. It is not uncommon to find that a group with a fine sounding name actually employes a for-profit business to do fund raising for them and the end result is that very little if any of the money donated ever gets to the vet or child or whoever is in need.
A reputable charity should keep admin and fund raising expenses down to 10% or a little more with the bulk of the money going to the needy.

You can check out a charity on line to see what their real numbers are, and/or save you money for one of the long establised ones that are known to have a good record.

12-17-2013, 01:38 PM
Yeah but he was scamming money for Navy vets and he was in the army :)