View Full Version : Ft. Worth Summit

Bill Greenwood
10-09-2013, 09:08 AM
I leave today to attend the AOPA summit (convention) in Ft. Worth. Is anyone else from this forum going? It is mostly classes, no airshow, but I do want to catch this one because the new President has decided that this will be the last one, he is cancelling future annual meetings. As for as I can tell this was done without any member input and not even much notice or publicity.

So EAA is certainly not the only group that had some discord on what comes down from the top.

10-09-2013, 10:30 AM
I don’t know whether Expo/Summit is a cost center or a profit center, but I suspect at a dismal show like Hartford, it’s more likely the former. Very few of the local aviatiors attended the show. More important, I’ve always felt the show is marginal for both attendees and some vendors, who’ve already ground through a long, expensive show season starting at Sebring and culminating in AirVenture. It Always smacked me as a poor attempt to compete with Oshkosh.

Now if AOPA continues in this vein - Ditch AV8ers (the Young Eagles knock off) and strengthen the Air Safety Institute - which is currently their best "grass roots" effort at this time and work with EAA on on battleing the current goverment administration to protect our right to fly.

Bill Greenwood
10-09-2013, 07:53 PM
Hartford last year wasn't "dismal" for us, we had an good time, despite one rainy day, and one of the reasons I wanted to come this year.
I don't think AOPA is trying to compete with Airventure, especially since it is 3 months later and half the U S away, not even to consider that it is a different type event.
I like them both.