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View Full Version : Sport Pilot Training center coming to Central IL

08-10-2013, 06:57 AM
Here at 3IS5 Holmes Field right outside Springfield IL, we are focusing on the issue of cost and training. We will be offering a place where you can bring your own UL or ELSA airplane. We will offer either tie down spots or a hangar while you are here for no fee it comes with the package deal. You will also get a place to stay while here that is just steps from the Classroom/shop. We are hoping to be able to do 4 pilots at a time. This will be the bare minimum SP package if you are going SP. We are doing this to not only keep the cost down, but to get pilots flying or up in the air. After they are flying and want more endorsements they can come back and for a small fee get these endorsements to further their flying.

Everything is still in the early stages so if you want to come aboard and join us please drop me a line. Everything is setup we just need the people. We have not worked out all the details but it looks like the housing will be right around 100 bucks for 5 days. This will be included in the price of your package deal, but it should come out to about 20 bucks a day for housing.
We are looking for some good people. I have had some apply or asked about coming aboard. This will happen its just a matter of when. Everything is built we just need the people.
I am trying to get the word out.


P.S. I believe we will finance this also, not sure on all this we are still working it out, but bring a small down payment and make payments on the rest. Does this not sound like a win win for everyone.

David Pavlich
08-10-2013, 11:19 AM
Have you established a webpage? At least an informational webpage when you get the details worked out would be terrific!


08-10-2013, 10:09 PM
No and I am not sure I can do this. Might have to find someone to do this for us.

Very good idea. Thanks.
