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View Full Version : Your IAC-/Acro-related Airventure 2013 pics wanted!

Jim Ward
08-05-2013, 06:00 PM

I'm putting together a photo essay for Sport Aerobatics from AirVenture 2013. If you have IAC- or aerobatics-related photos you'd like to contribute for possible publication, would you get in touch with me, please? Topics might include pics taken:

in and around the IAC Pavilion – of visitors, airplanes, guest speakers & audience members
of aerobatic aircraft and air show performers
at Friday night's annual membership dinner
of IAC AirVenture volunteers
of past and present members of U.S. Aerobatic Teams
of Aerobatics Hall of Fame inductees
...and so on

My target is the September, 2013 issue, the submission deadline for which is August 12. Photo credits will be given!

(You're welcome to email pics to me right now. They should be the original size produced by your camera. I'd prefer JPEG or PNG files, but can accept almost any format. Send them to av2013pics@gmail.com.)

Thank you,
Jim Ward, IAC Secretary
603-860-4456 (tel:603-860-4456) (cell)