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View Full Version : Harrison Ford scholarship

04-24-2013, 03:43 PM
Hey everyone, long time no see!
Some of you may remember me from a couple of years ago on Oshkosh365, back when I was 14 and trying to save money for flight training and even buy a plane kit! Looking back on it, it does seem a little crazy. Still, I was all in, and I'm looking to restart that desire to learn to fly now. I still have no money to speak of (I've got a little for gas, some in savings, but not enough for more than a couple of lessons), but I recently found out about the Harrison Ford flight training scholarships offered to anyone between the ages of 16 and 21, I think. I'm in the age range, whatever it is, and if I won the private pilot scholarship, I would be able to afford training for a private pilot's license! With a job (even just mowing lawns), I could make enough to rent a plane for an hour or two most weekends.
But I digress. My main question here is, does anyone have specific details on this scholarship? I know the age range, and the amounts awarded, as well as the requirements to qualify for it, but does anyone know when it is awarded, how many people usually apply, and when the application deadline is? I googled it, and only came up with one award in the past. Anyone know more?

04-25-2013, 08:17 AM
JT, here's the link to all EAA scholarships available including the Harrison Ford. Any questions you have can be answered by either calling 920-426-6823 or email scholarships@eaa.org
