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View Full Version : restarting Rotax in flight?

Peter Lee
04-11-2013, 12:43 AM
I am flying a new version of the Super Guepard ULM with a surprisngly good glide. i want to turn off the motor and perhaps thermal. there is aproblem with the motor cooling drastically - not good for restart..... However that must be common practise in the Pipistrel Sinus; anyone own one or can comment? I have written to Rotax - no reply.

04-11-2013, 06:48 PM
Just like starting up and taking off, start the engine and allow it to warm up before going to full power.

04-14-2013, 05:30 PM
Call and talk to Gordie Saum at Rotax Recreation Engines. 906-492-3520. He is an A&P, has taken all the Rotax courses and has rebuilt lots and lots and lots of them. Knows the engines inside and out. He's also very experienced flying Rotax engines. He'd be happy to answer your questions about running the engines.

Hope it helps.


Peter Lee
04-15-2013, 02:05 AM
Thanks Buzz. Is that a U.K. number? No problem I found him on the web -in the U.S.

Bill Greenwood
04-15-2013, 09:06 AM
I would leave your plane outside on a cold night, if you have one wherever you are, and see how easy it is to start in the morning, such as do you need primer or choke?

Then the first time you actually shut down and restart in flight, make sure you are over a runway or some place you can safely land if it doesn't run'

Motorgliders shut and restart as part of normal flights, but I don't think most are Rotax.

04-15-2013, 01:05 PM
Pipistrel motor gliders use rotax engines. The motorgliders that Sporty's use are rotax. You might check with either of them. Rotax engines are a bit "cold natured".

Peter Lee
04-16-2013, 07:26 AM
Thanks all. My motor starts readily on a cold morning , with choke, but takes a while to warm up. So I have to avoid a situation where i need a lot of power quickly. Then cold- starts mean wear........I have not had a reply from Rotax (so much for their after-sales-service!)Perhaps i will get a reply from Pipistrel? They advertise that kind of flying , with a Rotax.
Rotax offer a thermo controlled flow valve for the coolant - not cheap - but probably the answer.

05-18-2013, 04:56 AM
Is it a 2 stroke....think I would like to have enough alt to be able to warm it a low to mid RPM before going to high power,

I alway run my 503 for at least 10 mins on the ground before going to take off power...do you have any CHT gauges fitted.

How is yours cooled.


Peter Lee
05-19-2013, 12:47 AM
Hi Nick, The motor is a Rotax 912 ULS , "water " cooled.It has all the temp. gauges etc. From what I have learned from other pilots and the net, the important concern is rewarming before using power. Avoid being in a situation where serious throttle is needed before the motor has warmed enough. The possible solutions ( apart from a hot day ) are: thermostat valves for the coolant and the oil cooler circuit, and/or a sliding cover for the air -inlets. By next winter I hope to have some of this in place
At the moment , flying gently I am using 6.5litres/ hour in a two seater, 100hp - a Super Guepard.

Bob Dingley
05-27-2013, 10:05 AM
I am flying a new version of the Super Guepard ULM with a surprisngly good glide. i want to turn off the motor and perhaps thermal. there is aproblem with the motor cooling drastically - not good for restart..... However that must be common practise in the Pipistrel Sinus; anyone own one or can comment? I have written to Rotax - no reply.

You can go to the Pipistrel web site and download all the Pipistrel manuals. The glider Flight Manual has a checklist for in flight shut down and restart. It seems to be a normal procedure. http://pipistrel-usa.com/models/virus-sw.html

Peter Lee
05-28-2013, 01:27 AM
Thanks Bob, I didn't think of that.