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View Full Version : Cubs2Oshkosh

Rick Rademacher
04-01-2013, 07:34 PM
It's not too late to join the fun and fly your Cub to Hartford then Oshkosh 2013. Join with the group of Cubs who will fly to and then park together at AirVenture. If you missed the action last year or enjoyed it so much you want to do it again, get that Cub ready.Please register for Hartford as they again will have great food on the field. This year we get to enjoy seeing and hearing all of those round engine equipped aircraft also stopping at Hartford.
If there is enough interest, we might again fly as a group into Oshkosh. However, time is getting short so make that commitment today and let others know you are coming. I will be there with two other Cubs from Urbana. How about you?
Please visit the www.cubs2oshkosh.com (http://www.cubs2oshkosh.com) site for more information!

04-01-2013, 08:24 PM
Does this mean no balloon rally at HXF again?

Rick Rademacher
04-02-2013, 05:31 AM
I love to fly around balloons and am sure we Cubs would try to be accommodative. However, I can't speak for the round engine people who will also be at HXF the weekend before the start of AirVenture.