View Full Version : Medical Symptoms

Bill Greenwood
03-27-2013, 03:17 PM
I have these physical symptoms today.
I am jumpy and sort of nervous, am restless, can't seem to concentrate, and keep my mind on what I am doing.
My mind is restless, I keep looking out the window at some white cumulus and blue sky.
I feel like I need a stiff drink ,which is unusual since I am not really much of a drinker.

Am I flying? Or am I about to fly?

Heck no, I am sitting here trying to do my income tax, and not working at very full efficiency.
Talk about stress and distraction.

Why is it one needs a medical certificate to do something easy and fun, like fly an airplane, ( easy if the weather is good and you have plenty of fuel) ; but on the other hand you can and are expected to do something like a tax return that most people hate, me included.

Well, I suppose I will survive this year like all the other ones, and tomorrow I'll go flying and relax and the smile will come back.

I went skiing yesterday, really enjoyed it and I am looking out my window folks coming down the slope now.

Zack Baughman
03-27-2013, 04:08 PM
Just think Bill, we're also one day closer to deviled eggs and brownies! :rollseyes:

03-27-2013, 04:48 PM
I would hire an accountant and fly today and tommorow, Then eat tha deviled eggs and brownies, followed by a stiff drink. Don't remind me that April 15th is soon, Hey, file and extension and fly, the unfortunate trueth is just to find time that the weather cooperates to do anything.

David Pavlich
03-27-2013, 10:55 PM
Being a small business owner, I suffer from major pucker factor until I get that much anticipated email from my accountant. It went ok this year. I have to ask, what is the relationship between deviled eggs and brownies, both of which I could eat a bushel full.

Bill Greenwood
03-28-2013, 05:39 AM
Zach hosted a small party for some of us who were members of another group, and among the delicious food served were deviled eggs and brownies.
My girlfriend makes the best deviled eggs ever, the secret, it seems to me , other than fresh eggs,is to not use too much mayonaise
During football season I visit some old friends in Austin, and I stopped at a good Bar B Que place, (County Line) and got some deviled eggs to take to them. I couldn't eat them, they were full of jalapeno pepper, but my host said they were the best she had eaten.
Last night when I put the tax work away, I did have a brownie from Paradise Bakery here in town and I felt alot better. I have a few minutes more tax work to do this morning, then I am going flying. The weather is great.
I am already feeling pretty good just looking forward to that.

Frank Giger
03-28-2013, 06:31 AM
Too funny.....the wife informed me this last weekend that I was a bit "grumbly" due to the last two weeks of high winds and stormy weather and directed me to schedule some Champ time this Friday to "fix it."

Best. Wife. Ever.

Joe LaMantia
03-28-2013, 06:48 AM

Crummy weather always slows me down, and this "spring" has been awful here in Ohio. We got 7.5 inches of "spring" Sunday night, fortunately, most of it has melted off and I'm going flying tomorrow! Now about the tax thing, if you set-up your "withholding" so you over pay, you will get a refund. Knowing in advance that your going to get something back may give you a more positive attitude regarding filing all that paperwork. This year I got a fairly large return and purchased an IPad Mini, just got Wings X 7 Pro downloaded yesterday and today I'll play around with the flight planning functions, tomorrow I'll fly the plan!


03-28-2013, 07:02 AM

Crummy weather always slows me down, and this "spring" has been awful here in Ohio. We got 7.5 inches of "spring" Sunday night, fortunately, most of it has melted off and I'm going flying tomorrow! Now about the tax thing, if you set-up your "withholding" so you over pay, you will get a refund. Knowing in advance that your going to get something back may give you a more positive attitude regarding filing all that paperwork. This year I got a fairly large return and purchased an IPad Mini, just got Wings X 7 Pro downloaded yesterday and today I'll play around with the flight planning functions, tomorrow I'll fly the plan!


We received 18 1/2 inches of the stuff and most gone today 5 days later.

Joe LaMantia
03-28-2013, 08:26 AM

18.5" OMG! Was that the same storm system that move through the mid-west, or are you located in the "Great White North"?


David Pavlich
03-28-2013, 08:52 AM
I had to scrape frost off my windscreen Wednesday morning. :D


Bill Greenwood
03-28-2013, 08:58 AM
Joe, a good friend,now sadly passed away, was Warner Giles, former Major USAF, ex combat vet, Vietnam era in F4 and gunships. We ski raced and flew together and built a homebuilt toghere of which he did 95 % of the work and I was mostly the test pilot. He flew to Osh and Sun N Fun with me a number of times.

Anyway he grew up in Ohio, and described the weather there as awful, cold and wet and overcast in the winter, and hot and humid in the summer.
I need to live where there is sun, it is like I am partly solar powered. On grey days I try to sit down and do my paperwork, but it is like I am moving in quicksand.

Anyway , it is nice blue sky this morning and I am about to wrap up this chore, which was not so bad after all, and I feel good and about noon I expect to feel even better.

And the stock market is up strongly again, which is my main real business, as opposed to monkey business which involves airplanes.
It looks like I will be able to pay another months airplane bills this month which will please my I A.

Joe LaMantia
03-28-2013, 02:39 PM

Your description of weather in the Buckeye state is pretty much spot on, but I tell people that I moved here for the weather! I lived most of my life in Wisconsin, where spring comes somewhere between March and June for a day or two followed by summer, well sorta summer some years. Then there is usually a beautiful fall which fades in mid-Dec. After Xmas things take a severe down-turn until spring(?). Ohio is a big improvement!

Now about that frost in La, you poor soul having to scrap frost off a windshield, do they ever sell ice scrapers that far south?


David Pavlich
03-28-2013, 08:49 PM
Now about that frost in La, you poor soul having to scrap frost off a windshield, do they ever sell ice scrapers that far south?


I keep a plastic room key, the kind that looks like a credit card, in the glove box for just such "emergencies". As an aside, I'm from Vienna, Ohio, the home of Youngstown/Warren Regional Airport (YNG). At one time, there was an F102 base there. And there was an outfit called Beckett Aviation at which my Dad was a pilot right after he got out of the Army Air Corps after WWII. He was a flight engineer on a B17G. David

Joe LaMantia
03-29-2013, 07:13 AM

Clever ice scrapper solution, if you get back up north like OSH you could get a real ice scrapper at most any hardware store even in July! I've not been to Warren Regional, most of my flying is NW bound, today just a short hop to Muncie, IN to play with my new IPad and get a nice lunch. Spring is in the air here in Ohio, and the frost is out of the ground, and we'll have flowers blooming in a couple of weeks. You folks down south have flowers 10 or 11 month of the year, very lucky enjoy the super spring you get in LA!


David Pavlich
03-29-2013, 11:49 AM
Hey Joe...well, my wife is from Winnipeg, Manitoba, so I get the occaisional exposure to REAL cold weather. We were there in late November early December last year for our granddaughter's second birthday. I can tell you that I did my share of scraping. The people of Manitoba graciously made sure that I got to see plenty of snow. :-) It's still odd to look at cars and trucks with plugs sticking out of the hoods so that they can be plugged in overnight. Block and battery heaters are pretty much normal. Yuck!


Joe LaMantia
03-29-2013, 02:33 PM
Well you really don't have to go that far North to experience the BIG CHILL, my sister lives in the the Twin Cities, and plugging cars in happens most every day there. I totally agree with your take on cold, YUCK covers it. I just back from my IPad "test Hop" with Wing X...it's spring and LOVE is in the air!
