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View Full Version : EAA Chapter Web sites using the EAA recommended Webs

Rick Rademacher
03-17-2013, 05:48 PM
If your chapter web site is using Webs and you are using the Documents app, please be advised that it's not working correctly . https://webs.zendesk.com/entries/23225183-Unable-to-Edit-Documents-App-FWB-32742

03-20-2013, 10:39 AM
I'm not clear on what you are talking about... probably because I'm not using the feature. Please explain, what is the documets app?

Rick Rademacher
03-20-2013, 06:23 PM
This issue impacts the EAA Chapter web person who might be using the documents app (Share files and documents with your site visitors with the Documents app. Spreadsheets,presentations, and PDFs will be easy for visitors to find, view, and download) found in the web site editor to maintain the site. The site user can see everything and use the site. However, if the person in charge of maintaining the web site needs to update or change something placed in the documents app, they can’t because the app isn’t working as it should.

Rick Rademacher
04-12-2013, 12:26 PM
As a follow up, remove (don't use) document app per the new instructions from Webs. Look at the second page 4/11/2013 >http://support.webs.com/webs/topics/unable_to_edit_documents_app_fwb_32742?utm_content =topic_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=reply_notification