View Full Version : On line faa medical

Bill Greenwood
03-05-2013, 02:58 PM
It can sometimes get pretty busy at our doctors office and there is only one Dr. here for the FAA medical. So I phoned to make an appointment in advance, and there are 2 problems.

First, my local doctor, the one I have used for my medicals for 35 years just retired. I lamented this to his office and they said, no joke that they had grown men in tears that he is gone. He is a good guy, the kind of doctor you would want. He knows medicine, and he fits into our lifestyle. He is an ex NHL goalie and a distance runner. About 30 years ago I, who had been a football player since as long as I can remember and was working out with the ski team, decided to run in a 10 k race. Not all that far, but this is at 8000 feet altitude and I was never a distance runner. It was 2 laps around our town and as I passed my doctor in the first lap, I thought that he was pretty old and not too fast. Well, he kept up the moderate pace, never slowed while I really got tired and I was the last one to finish except for the ones who quit.

Other than just wanting the time off, the other reason my doctor is retiring is that he doesn't want to deal with all the new online requirements of the FAA.
Now, as I understand it, the pilot applicant has to go online and fill out and print the form and bring it to the doctor's office.
Heck, I can barely dial a cell phone, have never even bought one, and now the computer nerds have taken over this part of flying.
I almost never find flying a plane hard, ( I try to stay out of bad weather) but this is another matter. I guess I will manage it, just like I manage to write on this forum.

Has anyone had any experience with this, I think it started in Nov.

03-05-2013, 03:12 PM
If you're complaining about doing an online form, on an online discussion forum, I think you can handle it.

03-05-2013, 04:03 PM
If you're complaining about doing an online form, on an online discussion forum, I think you can handle it.
Now that is funny!!!

Hal Bryan
03-05-2013, 05:24 PM
Has anyone had any experience with this, I think it started in Nov.

I just did it personally for the first time, and it's very straightforward. You're filling out the exact same form, just using a keyboard and mouse instead of a pen. Dr. Greg Pinnell of our Aeromedical Council did a webinar on the topic not too long ago as well:

http://www.eaavideo.org/video.aspx?v=1824607352001 (http://www.eaavideo.org/video.aspx?v=1824607352001)

Sam Buchanan
03-05-2013, 09:43 PM
Not only is filling in the online form very straight-forward, the form is archived so you can access it next time you need the physical. You will only need to amend info that changed since the last time you filled in the form. This is much better than messing with the paper form every visit to the AME's office.

My AME didn't even need a copy of the form, just the registration number (or whatever it is called) so he could pull up the form on his computer.

Joe LaMantia
03-06-2013, 09:20 AM

I can relate, to the extent that I had a really great old Doc when I first moved to Ohio, he owned and flew a SkyHawk until he "couldn't get his fat a__ into the seat". His son flew for AA for many years so he was definitely one of us. He used to rap my knuckles every 2 years when I couldn't remember some county code number required on the form and he would have to look it up! He retired, but kept up the AME bit on a part time basis about 2 nights a week. He quit doing that about 4 years ago and I have a new AME down in Dayton, who has a partnership in a Mooney. I'm on "Special Issuance" so I see him every year and his office is really up to speed on things. His receptionist sent me an e-mail with the FAA link for the "form" last year and I just filled it out and "saved" it. The AME can go "on-line and get it and complete all the paperwork while I'm in the office. I walk out of there with what I need to continue flying for another year without having to wait for some "snail mail" from Okie City! I've been on "Special Issuance" for about 17 years, and when I first started with the annual renewal process I had to send in all the required paperwork in and wait for a reply, I missed several summers waiting for the "official OK". Now the AME handles all that and I can fly without waiting for Okie City. They still send me their OK, usually a couple months after the AME has submitted it, but I don't have my flying put on hold.

I really like this new system!


03-06-2013, 01:55 PM
I'm told you can fill out the form ahead of time but it's not submitted, and therefore you can't be denied, until you press the submit button. If you have an issue you want to talk to the AME about, and you're not sure you really want to go through with it, you can postpone submitting the form and then do it from the doctor's office after you chat with the AME and your issue is resolved to your satisfaction.

03-06-2013, 02:20 PM
I'm told you can fill out the form ahead of time but it's not submitted, and therefore you can't be denied, until you press the submit button. If you have an issue you want to talk to the AME about, and you're not sure you really want to go through with it, you can postpone submitting the form and then do it from the doctor's office after you chat with the AME and your issue is resolved to your satisfaction.

I've done that twice now, works great, especially if you have a good relationship with your AME. The AME might just make suggestions to your phraseolgy that would otherwise raise a red flag. You don't want to accidently step on a FAA land mine due to improper semantics.