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Giancarlo Riolfo
08-30-2011, 01:47 PM
On my very first time in Oshkosh, I could fly on the Bell 47G, on the Ford Trimotor and - that was "the" experience - on the B17G Aluminum Overcast. I enjoied very much that flight on such a beautiful plane. I want to thank the crew and all EAA people keeping her flying.
P.s.: I started with this warbird illness a couple of years ago flying (left seat) a 1944 C45. A few month ago I tried to cure it getting some stick & rudder time on a 1943 T6. No way. Now, after flying on Aluminum Overcast, I know that I'll never be cured. Now I'm thinking about flying a P51 and a C47... Am I crazy?

Hal Bryan
08-30-2011, 02:09 PM
Now, after flying on Aluminum Overcast, I know that I'll never be cured. Now I'm thinking about flying a P51 and a C47... Am I crazy?

Are you crazy? Yes, but in a very good way, Giancarlo! :) So glad to hear you've got the illness! You're in good company here!

Giancarlo Riolfo
08-30-2011, 03:57 PM
Yes, good and great company! It's unbelivable for an Italian guy to see so many warbirds all together as I've seen in KOSH. We have only three T6s flying and a few L4s and L5s. That's all.
Anyway, once again I want to salute people keeping Aluminum Overcast flying and in such a good shape. Today I recived the B17's flight jacket: I'll wear it very proudly at my flying club in Italy.

Giancarlo Riolfo
09-27-2011, 03:50 PM
I recived today September's issue of Warbirds and - what a surprise - I've found an article (How to take care of a B-17, by C. Ott) about people keeping Aluminum Overcast flying and another article (The 11th man, by J. Admire) ragarding a flying experience on the B-17. I liked 'em very much.