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View Full Version : What was it like? Building an airplane

02-01-2013, 05:01 AM
Since I completed my RV in 2011 I have had some time to reflect on what that was like.

I wrote a short article on by blog to try and capture it (for me).


02-01-2013, 11:20 PM
Didn't read the blog, but for me it was a serious pain in the butt sometimes and downright frustrating. All along trying to learn the process and hoping I wasn't screwing up something important that I would have to do over. When I finally got my Tango flying, it was one of the most awesome experiences of my life and made all the blood, sweat and tears worth it. However, I swore I would never build another plane for as long as I lived.

BTW... I'm in the middle of building my second plane. It's just as frustrating as last time, but the final product will be worth it.
I started getting the itch to build again about a year after I got the Tango flying. Sheesh!!!

02-02-2013, 05:15 AM
A serial offender!

its a disease....

I know a few serial builders. Perhaps a 12 step program is needed. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step towards recovery....

Hmmmm..... Why doesn't Airventure use the chapel for some evening meetings of Builders Anonymous. They could gather individuals who have become compulsive builders together for group counseling and support....

Best of luck,


02-02-2013, 09:38 AM
I am a serial offender. Since 2005 I have built and flown a RV7, a Backountry Super Cub and finished another RV7. Before that I have participated in building a RV6, Glasstar, Lancair 360, Kitfox, two Nanchang CJ6's And a few others. I am truly a sick person. I also get to fly several different airplanes and get in over 100hrs a year so it is not all building.
Wes when are you ever going to fill in the Idaho blank on your map? Don

02-03-2013, 12:36 AM
I opened this thread seeking information , as I am almost half-way through my Kitfox build..... now I see I need 'MENTAL HELP??" LMAO!!! Heaven help me!! I ONLY want to build one!!! REALLY!!!

02-03-2013, 04:05 AM
I opened this thread seeking information , as I am almost half-way through my Kitfox build..... now I see I need 'MENTAL HELP??" LMAO!!! Heaven help me!! I ONLY want to build one!!! REALLY!!!

Yep! That's what they all say.

02-03-2013, 09:45 AM
Building an airplane is giving yourself a license to be as anal as you wanna be.

02-03-2013, 10:20 PM
I opened this thread seeking information , as I am almost half-way through my Kitfox build..... now I see I need 'MENTAL HELP??" LMAO!!! Heaven help me!! I ONLY want to build one!!! REALLY!!!

When you get past the halfway point you start thinking how much better you can make the next plane. Don