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View Full Version : Flo Fast refueling system leaking fuel at crank handle

01-14-2013, 03:30 PM
I use two 7.5-gallon Flo Fast containers to bring 91-0ctane fuel from an auto service station to the airport to refuel my Rotax equipped plane.
After about a year the fuel began to leak at the point where the pump shaft emerges and where the crank handle is attached. I ordered replacement gaskets from Flo Fast and installed per instructions. Next use was perfect...not a drop of seepage. Second use was different; major leaks. The pump works fine but fuel comes out of the shaft, runs down the handle and gets thrown away when the handle is turned. Faster its turned, farther the fuel gets thrown. Its bad enough now that it is dangerous.

E-mail to Flo Fast has not resulted in a response as of yet.

Any Flo Fast users out there with suggestions?

01-14-2013, 07:14 PM
Try tightening the bold that holds the hand-crank on. That did the trick on my leaking hand pump.

01-17-2013, 12:22 PM
I did a follow-up request for assistance from Flo Fast and just received a note from them that they will be getting back to me this afternoon to fix the problem. I took the pump apart again this morning and can't find anything wrong. The tightness of the crank should not have any effect on how the gasket seals or doesn't seal. I will post what Flo Fast can offer after we discuss the problem. I hope we can fix it because I really like the system and it had worked for some time trouble free.

01-18-2013, 04:13 PM
I finally talked to the folks at Flo Fast. They made two suggestions that I will try. They added that if these ideas don't fix the problem that they will "make me a great deal" on one of their so-called Professional pumps which they said will never leak. Will post outcomes.

Ideas involved turning one of the two crank shaft seals 180-degrees, and carefully inspecting for any debris, even the smallest particles that can cause this sort of leak. Will do.

01-18-2013, 05:18 PM
Keep us informed about what happens. I'm in the process of looking at their product for my Rotax.

01-20-2013, 12:25 PM
I reversed the inner of the two gaskets per suggestion from Flo Fast. Carefully inspected for any debris...none present. Tried pump again this morning to add a few gallons of 91-octane as a test. No help; it still leaks at the crank shaft.

I am going to see how good that 'good deal' will be that Flo Fast offered...I notice that the so-called professional pump that they say will absolutely not leak is only a bit more expensive that the lower cost pump. If I were starting over, as Chick, above, is, I'd just get the "professional" pump, which is what I will very likely end up doing.

01-20-2013, 04:11 PM
Even though its Sunday a message to Flo Fast was promptly answered and they DID offer a SUBSTASNTIAL discount on an upgraded pump to replace the two year old unit I have that seems to be too far gone to fix. Good customer service.

01-31-2013, 12:42 PM
I received the Commercial version of the Flo Fast pump at a significant discount from the maker even though my unit was well over a year beyond the guaurantee period. I used it today and it works just fine. Not a drop of gas leaking anywhere.

A pleasure to find a company that treats customers this way.