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View Full Version : Dan Weseman's Panther

Tony Spicer
01-02-2013, 07:45 AM
If you're not familiar with the Panther, reading this (http://experimenter.epubxp.com/i/84816/24) article in the Oct 2012 issue of the Experimenter will get you up to speed. The factory has a blog detailing the construction of the prototype here (http://flypanther.wordpress.com/). What some may think is a bit unusual is that there are three beta builders already hard at building their own Panthers. And the prototype has yet to fly. Unusual? Not to those of us that remember that Sonex had five prototypes all under construction at the same time. The beta builders have a Yahoo group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pantherbetabuilders/), so if you have Panther questions, that's the place to get them answered. Also, I've found Picasa a great way to chronicle a build. See the albums here (https://picasaweb.google.com/tonyboytoo). That's it for now.


01-02-2013, 10:36 PM
Pretty cool, Tony. I hadn't seen that plane before. I'll have to go back and read the whole blog

Tony Spicer
01-03-2013, 07:35 AM
Tried to sneak it on VAF a time or two, but no takers. Starting at the beginning in the blog archives makes an interesting read.


Chad Jensen
01-03-2013, 09:12 AM
This is a very cool project, and I am working with Tony on getting a feature story going for Experimenter. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one come together!

Tony Spicer
01-16-2013, 06:39 AM
If you haven't seen the Panther wing fold in action, have a look here:


Don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it!


Jim Hann
01-26-2013, 11:44 PM
I like how he didn't use the spar for a pivot, same as Pete Bowers did on the Fly Baby. Although Pete's ailerons had to be disconnected on the rods.

01-27-2013, 01:48 AM
This looks to be a great little aeroplane and a fascinating project. I particularly like the fact that in the design and development of the plans thought has been given to producing full-size templates that can be used instead of having to cut up the plans or copy them. It's good to see that there are still new plans built aeroplanes being developed and I shall continue to watch this project with interest.

Tony, thanks for sharing you rivet press pictures. This has solved a problem for me in the creation of new wing spars for my project as the cap strips need to be riveted in much the same way.


Tony Spicer
01-27-2013, 12:50 PM
Cowl fitting on the Panther has commenced. If I could get by with saying I wet my britches when I saw the photos, I would say it for sure. http://flypanther.wordpress.com/ And Chris, if you (or anybody else) builds the rivet press I would be interested in feedback.


01-27-2013, 01:51 PM
I like how he didn't use the spar for a pivot, same as Pete Bowers did on the Fly Baby. Although Pete's ailerons had to be disconnected on the rods.

Really I wouldn't even consider them true folding wings, instead they appear to be "removable" wings with a built-in support for transport. Looks like a great setup.