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View Full Version : New Open Source Avionics Resources at MakerPlane

11-22-2012, 12:49 PM

Just a quick note that I have updated the MakerPlane website and uploaded a lot more free and open source avionics projects as well as a complete aircraft electrical system and avionics wiring schematic (http://makerplane.org/?p=1110).

This might be of use to homebuilders out there. The aircraft electrical schematic also includes implementation of a few of the open source avionics already in the repository. Note that these are flying in lots of aircraft already! Check out the downloads (http://makerplane.org/?page_id=1059)page as an entry point into the open source repository. If anyone has any projects they would like to add, let me know!


11-22-2012, 08:55 PM
Thank you John! Electrical layout is always something of a "mysterious" subject for me (largely because I have thus far avoided it where possible because of being accidentally badly shocked when I was a kid) and it is one of the aspects of my design project I am not looking forward to. I keep joking that I'm just going to pay someone off to do it for me. Your project is a little more simple than my own, but any insight is greatly appreciated.