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View Full Version : 2013 Approved Sportsman and Intermediate Knowns

11-21-2012, 07:50 AM
No spins. Very interesting.

11-21-2012, 01:08 PM
One different aspect of the 2013 Sportsman Known program is the lack of a cross box series of figures. Sportsman competitors who have not learned to move their airplanes on the Y axis without the judges seeing their sideways movement will be at a disadvantage.

The Intermediate competitors will have to master the half-snap on the up line and do the inverted 270.

The first contests of the season should have some interesting flights.

Best of luck,


11-21-2012, 02:36 PM
I am with Wes, I think it is odd there is no cross-box/wind-correction figure in the Sportsman sequence, and it is downright confusing that there are no spins in either the Sportsman or Intermediate sequence for 2013.

That said, I do like some of the figures added to the Sportsman like the hesitation rolls in 5 and 6, as well as the challenge now of mastering height in the box towards the end of the sequence given the downline on 9.

Speaking for myself, I would consider adding a cross-box/wind-correction figure to my Free Program just to address Wes's point.

Should be fun!


11-21-2012, 03:27 PM
Speaking for myself, I would consider adding a cross-box/wind-correction figure to my Free Program just to address Wes's point.

Really? I've not had a cross-box figure in my free for the past 4+ years. Only 1 contest I can think of it would have significantly helped to have one, and we were well out of wind limits anyway that afternoon.

Not having to worry about all the altitude loss of a spin leaves significantly more energy available to add more interesting figures without going low or starting in the stratosphere.


11-21-2012, 08:03 PM
The omission of the cross box figures in Sportsman is almost certainly intentional. That makes the flying of the program harder. And there are folks out there who think that the average Sportsman pilot neglects the topic of pushing the airplane into a cross wind without the judges seeing.

For your Free Program, you put cross box figures in to make it easier to score higher. Where I fly we DO get lots of wind, on both X and Y axes. Sometimes 40kts. Never seen competitors ask to stop flying merely due to wind in the box. I LIKE wind in the box.

I too am surprised that no spin in included in the Knowns. Especially since the Known is officially a competency demonstrating qualifying flight. But Intermediate pilots must put a spin in their Free Program, so we don't get a free pass.

Time to start practicing.

See you at the box,


12-03-2012, 11:05 AM
I shot some cold runs through the 2013 Sportsman and Intermediate Knowns on Saturday. As you can see, the Sportsman sequence would provide me with a good opportunity to practice subtly moving the airplane through the wind on the Y-axis, as Wes mentions. I like the new 1/2 snap in Intermediate...quite a challenge to fly perfectly. Not done here.



