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View Full Version : DCX 500 plans

08-15-2011, 05:44 PM
I have been cleaning out my grandfather's hangar after his move into a retirement home, and have come across a large collection of airplane plans. Many I recognize, some look pretty interesting and I may pursue building them myself. One in particular though, I can find no information on. Has anyone ever heard of a DCX 500? Its a very sleek looking single seat twin engine pusher. The plans have the name R. E. Foote and the date Feb 23, 1966 on them. Oops, on further inspection it is NOT an twin engine, it is a single central mount engine with belts running two props pushing from each wing. Any help here would be appreciated.

I am sure that I will have other questions in the near future as I get farther through the stack of plans.


08-16-2011, 06:44 AM
November 1966 Sport Aviation has this under "chatting with the chapters" :
"Bob Foote has designed an all-wood twin-propeller semi-minimum aircraft and Sam Jobe, along with Cliff Bentjen and Jack Bullard, is building the
craft." From chapter 168 in Dallas, Texas

There's also a blurb in the October '66 article.
