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08-27-2012, 11:35 PM
When does the monthly issue usually ship out? I joined the EAA in July and haven't received the August issue yet. I can view the current and past issues online. I know I gave the correct address because I received my membership card in the mail. Is there currently a shortage? Could there have been a mistake when I joined? Is the mail man jealous and stealing them?


08-28-2012, 05:31 AM
The magazines are distributed differently than the ID cards and the other EAA junk mail. The sad truth is the magazine lacks any reasonable editorial content so it's no big thing it's not arriving.

08-28-2012, 08:53 AM
Is the mail man jealous and stealing them?

May not be all bad, after I moved to MI the mail carrier stopped in one day and told me she was a grandaughter of B.D. Maule. I can only guess she was reading all my aviation pubs. Even since then she is always digging out some cool memoribilia, news articles, family photos, etc. about Maule Aircraft when they were located in Napoleon, MI.

I'm sure your magazines will show up. They always do.

Hal Bryan
08-28-2012, 09:47 AM
Falcon - send a note to membership@eaa.org and they'll make sure that everything is in order. If an issue has gone missing, they'll be happy to send out a replacement.

08-28-2012, 02:09 PM
The magazines are distributed differently than the ID cards and the other EAA junk mail. The sad truth is the magazine lacks any reasonable editorial content so it's no big thing it's not arriving.
That may be your opinion but there are other people who enjoy reading the magazines.

May not be all bad, after I moved to MI the mail carrier stopped in one day and told me she was a grandaughter of B.D. Maule. I can only guess she was reading all my aviation pubs. Even since then she is always digging out some cool memoribilia, news articles, family photos, etc. about Maule Aircraft when they were located in Napoleon, MI.

I'm sure your magazines will show up. They always do.
That is neat. It is always nice meeting people who have an interest in aviation and even family history in it.

Falcon - send a note to membership@eaa.org and they'll make sure that everything is in order. If an issue has gone missing, they'll be happy to send out a replacement.
Thank you Hal.

08-28-2012, 02:55 PM
That may be your opinion but there are other people who enjoy reading the magazines.
That is my opinion. Whey they decided that slick publishing trumps actually putting accurate and safe information in the magazine it became worse than useless to me.

08-29-2012, 07:21 AM
I rejoined to get the magizine and unfortinately after waiting with baited breath for the first issues I now really don't care when they came in and now I glance through them to see if there is anything of interest and then they go in the stack.
Recently a new friend who files came by and I gave him all of my new issues, but I kept the older ones.
Kitplanes seems to have a greater content interest to me and I am very dissappointed with the current content.
We seem to be joined at the hip with APOA now. I am considering dropping EAA and spending that money with AOPA or just buy a subscription to Kitplanes.

08-29-2012, 03:57 PM
After nine years of dedicated work - I finished my Hatz Classic. Of course I took pictures and sent to all I know - Including EAA Sport Aviation magazine. I received a reply from a staff member asking for more information. The information asked for was actually sent with the picture. The staff person also said that he did not know when it would run as they had a big backlog???? Why should they have a backlog of member's completed projects? As members, are we not more interested in what and how other members are building than we are in the workings of a "thrush AG plane? Are we not more interested in how John Q member solved a fabric problem than we are in ADS-B options??? August issue of Sport Aviation contained 154 pages with 4 pages dedicated to "what members are building". As a member magazine would you not think that it would run article and pics of member accomplishment??? A look through the magazine clearly shows EAA has lost sight of it's membership.

I think I will send my pic to AOPA. They actually have some home built articles.

PS - Staff reply was from New Jersey - Not OSH

Michael McGrew

08-29-2012, 04:29 PM
Let's see a picture! Those are pretty neat airplanes. Is it painted like WWI?

08-29-2012, 05:48 PM
I had my run in with the editorial staff when they wrote a pathetically incorrect article on how to deal with ATC in Class C airspace. It had the potential to be a really useful article but it was so WRONG in both the suggested pilot and the example ATC comms that it was worse than useless. When I wrote them and suggested they might actually want to research the correct phraseology in the AIM and the ATC Handbook rather than just writing random stuff off the cuff, I was told that their mistakes were of no consequence and essentially told me to pound sand.

I almost cancelled my EAA membership then and there.

08-29-2012, 06:54 PM
Let's see a picture! Those are pretty neat airplanes. Is it painted like WWI?

Hope this pic works

Kelly Nelson
08-29-2012, 06:58 PM
This post ended up being a lot longer than I set out to have it be, but I wanted to address some of the concerns raised here. My name is Kelly, and I'm the managing editor of Sport Aviation. What that basically means is I'm in charge of the moving parts and making them come together. I've been on staff (in Oshkosh) for 7.5 years and have worked on many different areas of the magazine during that time.

When does the monthly issue usually ship out? I joined the EAA in July and haven't received the August issue yet. I can view the current and past issues online. I know I gave the correct address because I received my membership card in the mail. Is there currently a shortage? Could there have been a mistake when I joined? Is the mail man jealous and stealing them?


Hi Falcon21-
The August issue would have shipped at the end of July. So depending on when you joined in July, you likely didn't make it onto the membership list prior to that list going to the printer for labeling and mailing. The September issue mailed today, so you should receive it soon. I'll happily drop a copy of the August issue in the mail to you tomorrow if someone from membership hasn't already handled it for you. Just let me know.

After nine years of dedicated work - I finished my Hatz Classic. Of course I took pictures and sent to all I know - Including EAA Sport Aviation magazine. I received a reply from a staff member asking for more information. The information asked for was actually sent with the picture. The staff person also said that he did not know when it would run as they had a big backlog???? Why should they have a backlog of member's completed projects? As members, are we not more interested in what and how other members are building than we are in the workings of a "thrush AG plane? Are we not more interested in how John Q member solved a fabric problem than we are in ADS-B options??? August issue of Sport Aviation contained 154 pages with 4 pages dedicated to "what members are building". As a member magazine would you not think that it would run article and pics of member accomplishment??? A look through the magazine clearly shows EAA has lost sight of it's membership.

I think I will send my pic to AOPA. They actually have some home built articles.

PS - Staff reply was from New Jersey - Not OSH

Michael McGrew

Hi Michael-
I'm not sure when you submitted your photo and description of your build, but let me offer some clarity as to how that process works. We accept What Our Members are Building submissions on a rolling basis and, as you can imagine, some months the completions are more plentiful than others. Yes, we have 4 dedicated pages each month because that is what we have determined is just the right amount of space to even things out so that each month has a similar amount of that content. Each month we also try to make sure there are a variety of types of aircraft featured. When I worked on that section it would have been easy to simply run a couple of pages of RV completions, but then I suspect readers wouldn't have been too happy about that. So, while we try to run them in the order they are received, sometimes they get held a month to help the mix. On top of all of that, our production cycle runs two months ahead of when the magazine actually mails. So if you submitted it yesterday, the absolute earliest it'll appear in print is December. I expect all of the content for the November issue to be in my possession Tuesday morning when I arrive at the office. The backlog? It's likely about 2 issues worth, which is healthy for our production schedule. I'm sorry Mark wasn't more clear about that.

As for Mark's New Jersey address, without getting too detailed on his resume and life story, he was once a full-fledged EAA staffer in Oshkosh before my time working on Vintage Magazine, but life took him in other directions and he ended up on the east coast. In recent years he's helped us on a freelance basis with Sport Aviation and we've asked him to help us get the What Our Members are Building section in order for us each month. He's able to dedicate attention to it while those of us in Oshkosh are busy getting the next issue out the door. He asked for more info because we've asked him to make sure we get the most complete, detailed information on builder's projects we can. In touching base with you he's just trying to make sure we represent your hard work in the best way possible with the space allotted. I've never had trouble getting in touch with Mark when I needed him and he's pretty good about deadlines, so I don't fault him for his east coast digs. ;)

If you're interested in more member project content, I recommend you also check out our Shop Talk column. Budd Davisson has been profiling builders and their projects in more depth there in recent months. We also do have some features scheduled on some great airplanes we spotted at AirVenture, so look forward to that in coming months.

Congrats on completing your Hatz - I look forward to seeing it in our magazine!

I had my run in with the editorial staff when they wrote a pathetically incorrect article on how to deal with ATC in Class C airspace. It had the potential to be a really useful article but it was so WRONG in both the suggested pilot and the example ATC comms that it was worse than useless. When I wrote them and suggested they might actually want to research the correct phraseology in the AIM and the ATC Handbook rather than just writing random stuff off the cuff, I was told that their mistakes were of no consequence and essentially told me to pound sand.

I almost cancelled my EAA membership then and there.

I'm sorry you felt that way about the article, and I'm even more sorry that you felt that way after talking to one of the staff. I know that article ran quite awhile back now, so there's not much I can do about it at this point. I'm glad you didn't cancel your membership and strongly encourage you to keep in touch and continue offering us feedback on articles. I don't know who you talked to at the time, but you can always e-mail us (Mac and I check this inbox) at editorial@eaa.org, or feel free to contact me directly at knelson@eaa.org and I'll be happy to address your concerns.


08-29-2012, 10:06 PM

08-29-2012, 10:07 PM
Hope this pic works

That's Sweet MR ! Nice paint scheme! I bet you spend alot of sunny afternoons barnstorming.

08-30-2012, 07:28 AM
Ms Nelson. Thanks for the reply. However, I do think 4 pages out of 154 is not adequate for a "members" magazine. Is sport aviation a flying magazine or a builders magazine? When was the last time we saw an article on how to "fabric" Paint" "wireing" and so forth. Many of the features in the magazine do not pertain to sport aviation. Why not start a section featuring members projects in the process of being built. I am sure there is much we can learn from other members.

After nine years of building I expected to see the pic of my plane on the front page of the NY Times - or at the minimum on the front page of Sport Aviation. LOL
Thanks and keep in mind - we are first and foremost BUILDERS then we are fliers.

08-30-2012, 08:29 AM
Ms Nelson. Thanks for the reply. However, I do think 4 pages out of 154 is not adequate for a "members" magazine. Is sport aviation a flying magazine or a builders magazine? When was the last time we saw an article on how to "fabric" Paint" "wireing" and so forth. Many of the features in the magazine do not pertain to sport aviation. Why not start a section featuring members projects in the process of being built. I am sure there is much we can learn from other members.

After nine years of building I expected to see the pic of my plane on the front page of the NY Times - or at the minimum on the front page of Sport Aviation. LOL
Thanks and keep in mind - we are first and foremost BUILDERS then we are fliers.

I would also like to see 1 or 2 more pages devoted to building and a WEB site link to see the many more detailed photograps and builders notes that weren't published in the magazine. So if it wasn't in the magazine there are resources to see the information in detail that would be of a value to me. I know you have a number of limited pages and even if you had six pages of article it is still a limited view of the project. I think this would be the best of both worlds.

08-30-2012, 08:31 AM
After nine years of building I expected to see the pic of my plane on the front page of the NY Times - or at the minimum on the front page of Sport Aviation. LOL
Thanks and keep in mind - we are first and foremost BUILDERS then we are fliers.

What do you have to say about those nine years? Can you remember the begining?

Kelly Nelson
08-30-2012, 09:34 AM
Ms Nelson. Thanks for the reply. However, I do think 4 pages out of 154 is not adequate for a "members" magazine. Is sport aviation a flying magazine or a builders magazine? When was the last time we saw an article on how to "fabric" Paint" "wireing" and so forth. Many of the features in the magazine do not pertain to sport aviation. Why not start a section featuring members projects in the process of being built. I am sure there is much we can learn from other members.

After nine years of building I expected to see the pic of my plane on the front page of the NY Times - or at the minimum on the front page of Sport Aviation. LOL
Thanks and keep in mind - we are first and foremost BUILDERS then we are fliers.

I would also like to see 1 or 2 more pages devoted to building and a WEB site link to see the many more detailed photograps and builders notes that weren't published in the magazine. So if it wasn't in the magazine there are resources to see the information in detail that would be of a value to me. I know you have a number of limited pages and even if you had six pages of article it is still a limited view of the project. I think this would be the best of both worlds.

Thanks for your feedback - sounds like you'll both enjoy the Experimenter digital magazine we're about to launch!

08-30-2012, 09:50 AM
Thanks for your feedback - sounds like you'll both enjoy the Experimenter digital magazine we're about to launch!

Experimenter digital magazine ? Do we get a sneak peak?

08-30-2012, 12:57 PM
As members, are we not more interested in what and how other members are building than we are in the workings of a "thrush AG plane?

Not really. There's a lot of builds that I find to be just as dull as you probably find a lot of the spam cans. There's a reason why I don't subscribe to Kitplanes and instead read each issue at the local bookstore before buying the ones with useful information. A magazine full of "So I assembled my kit..." is just as dull as someone who bought a plane from the local Cessna dealer.

Are we not more interested in how John Q member solved a fabric problem than we are in ADS-B options???

That presumes that a majority of us are building or looking at building a ragwing (and this is coming from someone who is building a LSA with fabric covered parts). I know more people who are putting glass cockpits in their planes than are wrapping their planes in fabric and ADS-B is a major issue going forward for anyone who is planning on leaving the traffic pattern.

As a member magazine would you not think that it would run article and pics of member accomplishment???

Because after a point, the same type gets boring? How many different ways can you describe a RV kit assembly or something similar? Who is to travel around and write these?

As someone who used to help edit newsletters, the last thing you want to do is let the subject of the article write it for a couple of reasons (most people lacking the requisite grasp of the written English language and not realizing that what they consider to be a major point of interest might not be interesting or worth mentioning to the reader). Trying to edit peoples' build stories or other "So there I was..." tends to be a major pain in the butt given how many people get extremely defensive if you crop or request a rewrite. More often than not you get a response along the lines of "Well screw off then! You must not care!".

08-30-2012, 01:00 PM
After nine years of building I expected to see the pic of my plane on the front page of the NY Times - or at the minimum on the front page of Sport Aviation. LOL
Thanks and keep in mind - we are first and foremost BUILDERS then we are fliers.

That's your opinion. My take is that after my design and build is complete, the only place I expect to see my airplane is in the air and in a hangar. Anything else is just gravy. I don't have a sense of entitlement that my design will be worthy of the front page of Sport Aviation or Kitplanes.

08-30-2012, 02:05 PM
I expect to see my airplane is in the air and in a hangar. Anything else is just gravy.

In the hanger between the Wright Flyer and the Space shuttle! When you get there you will be just as proud!

Chad Jensen
08-30-2012, 03:25 PM
Experimenter digital magazine ? Do we get a sneak peak?No sneak peeks! That would ruin the suspense! The issue went to "press" yesterday and should be out to all Experimenter subscribers within the next week or so. If you haven't subscribed, it's free to all, sign up here-http://www.eaa.org/experimenter/

08-30-2012, 03:46 PM
That's your opinion. My take is that after my design and build is complete, the only place I expect to see my airplane is in the air and in a hangar. Anything else is just gravy. I don't have a sense of entitlement that my design will be worthy of the front page of Sport Aviation or Kitplanes.

Why the rude attack. Did you not see the LOL (joke)

08-30-2012, 06:24 PM
In the hanger between the Wright Flyer and the Space shuttle! When you get there you will be just as proud!

Eh....if it flies and is safe, I don't give the north end of a southbound rat whether it is a landmark or wins awards. It's a means to an end so far as getting myself an aircraft that meets my needs and serves as a proof of concept for my research.

Why the rude attack. Did you not see the LOL (joke)

Oops, I didn't notice the LOL so you have my apologies. No offense or attack intended at all. It was simply pointing out that not all of us share that line of thinking as I know a lot of folks who think like that.

Jim Hann
08-30-2012, 10:16 PM
No sneak peeks! That would ruin the suspense! The issue went to "press" yesterday and should be out to all Experimenter subscribers within the next week or so. If you haven't subscribed, it's free to all, sign up here-http://www.eaa.org/experimenter/

Chad, are we subscribed if we were receiving the "old" Experimenter?


Chad Jensen
08-31-2012, 07:06 AM
You sure are Jim!

09-02-2012, 01:34 AM
Hi Falcon21-
The August issue would have shipped at the end of July. So depending on when you joined in July, you likely didn't make it onto the membership list prior to that list going to the printer for labeling and mailing. The September issue mailed today, so you should receive it soon. I'll happily drop a copy of the August issue in the mail to you tomorrow if someone from membership hasn't already handled it for you. Just let me know.

I contacted membership and they were kind enough to send me the July and August issues, I now have them sitting on my desk. They also verified my address for me.