View Full Version : A Little Humor

Bill Greenwood
08-25-2012, 08:08 AM
This is bad, but it is funny. I saw it on the board at Longmont yesterday. If you are the uptight sort, then just don't read it.

A blond girl is up flying with just her and the pilot.
He, unfortunately is a chain smoker and heavy drinker, and it catches up with him, and he passes away in flight.
She knows just enough to talk on the radio.

Girl: Mayday, Mayday, help me!
ATC: This is Air traffic control,, what is your problem?
Girl: I am not a pilot, but we are in the air and my pilot has died. Help, I am so scared.
ATC: Calm down miss, I have experience with this sort of thing, and I am going to tell you how to get down safely. Now first take a deep breath, and try to relax.
Now tell me your height and position.
Girl: I am 5' 4" and I support President Obama.
A pause, and then ATC says:
Repeat after me, "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name".....

Who says Repulsicans don't have a sense of humor, as long as it is outgoing and not incoming.

08-25-2012, 10:40 AM
It is a bad joke and in poor taste! Repulsicans? Further, brining politics to the board is just low class.

Bill Greenwood
08-25-2012, 10:50 AM
You obviously should not have read the joke, as I wrote in my warning, if you are more interested in finding a problem than enjoying a laugh.

Maybe not all of us Demoncrats can take a joke, but I hope I never get to that point.

And since you have such a strong critical opinion, maybe you'd be willing to use your own real name in your posts, like I and many others do and not hide behind an alias.

08-25-2012, 11:17 AM
It's pretty funny but I heard the same joke told about George W. Bush. It's one of those that makes the rounds about whatever group is in power. However, I do have to agree that Chuck has a point: it would be nice to have one place where the stupid political bickering is not manifest. Bringing it up seldom does anything but start a fight.

Hal Bryan
08-25-2012, 11:59 AM
it would be nice to have one place where the stupid political bickering is not manifest. Bringing it up seldom does anything but start a fight.This is one of those places, or it's supposed to be...thread closed.