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08-11-2011, 05:51 AM
Hi fellow members,

I'm a member who happens to be a pro photographer and spent the week shooting at AirVenture. There's a couple galleries up at the links below. Hope all enjoy.....


Chad Jensen
08-11-2011, 07:45 AM
Excellent work! While AirVenture always goes by too fast, being able to go back and look at galleries from people with skills like this keeps the show going in my mind!!:cool:

08-11-2011, 02:09 PM
Thanks for the kind words Chad... Glad you enjoyed the images.

Jason Alexander
08-11-2011, 03:21 PM
God, I need a better camera. I've got an old 10mp Pentax K10D. I need to get it serviced and/or get a K20D.

08-11-2011, 03:59 PM
Those photos are great... thanks for sharing.

08-12-2011, 04:56 AM
Thanks to all.... Glad you like the images. Jason, as far as the camera I'm a pro so the equipment is very good. These images were taken with two bodies, the Nikon D3 and D3x.

Jason Alexander
08-12-2011, 10:06 AM
I'm nowhere near a pro, but I do sell some photos on the side (don't tell the IRS!). I'm impressed at how sharp your shots are. Mine have gotten progressively blurrier over the years. Not sure if it's optics or the body. It's in need of a servicing anyway. It's about 28,000 shutter releases in and never been in the shop. =/

08-12-2011, 10:07 AM
Thanks to all.... Glad you like the images. Jason, as far as the camera I'm a pro so the equipment is very good. These images were taken with two bodies, the Nikon D3 and D3x.

I've been pretty abusive to my Digital Rebel (first edition). That includes my lenses as well, which have last through several cameras. I've been a loyal Canon user for years, but since I'm planning on replacing my lenses, I figure it's probably a good time to switch brands if I so desire. If I don't stick with Canon, Nikon will probably be the new system for me.

All that being said do you have any wistful words of wisdom for digital SLRs??

08-12-2011, 07:08 PM
Guys like me shoot the pro bodies because the work we do requires it. If you're thinking of moving to Nikon look at the new D7000. The camera is at a good price point and takes exceptional images. You have to remember, Cannon is an electronics company. It's a large corporate entity that makes a wide variety of product, all which seem to be very good. Nikon is first and foremost an optics company. Many pro's like me will tell you there is an extreme value to their glass, it's the point about shooting Nikon. You can pretty much take any Nikon lens ever made and slap it on a current DSLR and be able to use it, even if only in a manual application. You can't say that for Cannon. They changed their lens mount back in 85' and basically screwed their pro population with large investments in glass. Both sides are very biased towards what they shoot, and rightly so they are good products. All I can say is that I see more and more guys showing up to shoot assignments when I work and many Cannon shooters are now carrying the D3 / D3s. The D3 was a landmark camera for the industry. If you have the money to spend you will probably be able to find a used D3 in excellent condition for a very reasonable price after the first of the year. By then most pro's like myself will be shooting the D4. Hope this helped...

08-13-2011, 03:48 AM
It helped a lot. Never thought about the fact that Canon was an electronics company. More than likely I'll make the jump to Nikon.

BTW... I got some semi related questions in your PM box.

08-13-2011, 08:12 AM
Typical Nikon-centric bigotry. Canon was founded specifically a camera company. Both companies have strayed into electronics and other consumer areas. Nikon stayed more on the clinical/laboratory side of imaging while Canon hit the office and consumer markets.

Jason Alexander
08-16-2011, 02:39 PM
I love my Pentax. I started shooting with my dad's old '68 Ricoh. It still works beautifully, but shooting film was getting to be too expensive, so I went with Pentax (Ricoh's descendant). I love my K10D, but I'm lusting over the K20D now. A friend of mine picked one up and I've been training him on it. *drool*