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View Full Version : Chapter 838 Racine Wisconsin Young Eagle and Eagle Flights

Trevor Janz
08-13-2012, 10:35 AM
I had the opportunity to fly down from Oshkosh to Racine Chapter 838 with Brian O'Lena (EAA Young Eagles Manager) this past Saturday. Nothing beats seeing a bunch of kids waiting for their flights with great expectation and many smiles afterwards! This is definitely addicting! :)

Rich Doering was there with his son and wife. It was his birthday and he has been considering taking flying lessons. Well, luckily I had the necessary Eagle Flights Forms on me and he was able to take an Eagle Flight. This was the first Eagle Flight that Chapter 838 had given by Chapter member Jim Hantschel (close to 500 YE rides given...congrats Jim!). I was glad to be able to be there!

We have had over 250 requests for Eagle Flight registration forms and literature! Each day we receive more requests. Thank you very much Chapters for your support of the Eagle Flights Program and growing the pilot population!!


Thank you Chapter 838 for your hospitality!

Jim Heffelfinger
08-19-2012, 03:21 PM
Trevor and Brian,
I have had limited connections with the YE program flights, Just a few visits to area chapters events as my chapter has stopped their YE program for now.
During all three YE flight days I was impressed by the efforts to get the kids flying, log books signed and photos taken but noticed that while the families were waiting their turn there was a missed opportunity to entertain through education. Fulfilling 3 objectives - keep the kids and families from being bored, provide aviation education and recruitment.
Were these long boring waits atypical or typical for YE flight days?

Trevor Janz
08-22-2012, 08:39 AM
Hello Jim,

The chapter in Racine had a computer flight simulator running and allowed both kids and parents opportunities to fly the sim while waiting for the YE and Eagle Flights. But, if a chapter does not have such a piece of equipment....it would be a good idea to have some activity planned. I know some chapters that have balsa wood aircraft that kids can "fly" in their hangar. We also have a list of ideas at http://www.eaa.org/chapters/resources/cookbook/ Hope this helps.