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View Full Version : Revising incorrect POH/Operating Limitations

08-03-2012, 01:51 PM

Does anyone know the procedure for correcting errors in a POH or Operating Limitations? I am looking into buying a Zodiac HDS, and the top speed listed (130 kts) is not its real max speed (< 120 kts).

Also, I know that a plane that does not qualify as an LSA can never be modified to qualify, but in this case, if the true specs were always within LSA limits but the originally stated specs were incorrect, would it then qualify? Am thinking not, but you never know.


Sam Buchanan
08-03-2012, 05:55 PM

Does anyone know the procedure for correcting errors in a POH or Operating Limitations? I am looking into buying a Zodiac HDS, and the top speed listed (130 kts) is not its real max speed (< 120 kts).

Also, I know that a plane that does not qualify as an LSA can never be modified to qualify, but in this case, if the true specs were always within LSA limits but the originally stated specs were incorrect, would it then qualify? Am thinking not, but you never know.


The POH for an airplane with an experimental airworthiness certificate is not regulatory or required per regulation. Therefore it can say anything without having an impact on the registration of the aircraft.

Changing the op lims is another matter altogether. You need input from a DAR or FSDO in order to know where you stand in that regard. I suspect it will be very difficult to change the op lims in order to push an aircraft back into LSA status. Having said that, if the aircraft is E-AB and currently meets all requirements for LSA, it can be flown by a pilot with a Sport Pilot certificate. It just can't be re-registered as E-LSA or S-LSA.

08-04-2012, 06:33 AM
The max speed for powered LSA (Vh) has a very specific definition. Vh is not normally determined and recorded as part of the operating limitations for an amateur-built aircraft. So not sure what you need to change? If the airplane's Vh is 120 CAS or less, you can operate the airplane as an LSA. Seems like some minor testing is required to ensure Vh is in compliance and you're good to go?


Does anyone know the procedure for correcting errors in a POH or Operating Limitations? I am looking into buying a Zodiac HDS, and the top speed listed (130 kts) is not its real max speed (< 120 kts).

Also, I know that a plane that does not qualify as an LSA can never be modified to qualify, but in this case, if the true specs were always within LSA limits but the originally stated specs were incorrect, would it then qualify? Am thinking not, but you never know.


Dave Prizio
08-06-2012, 12:26 PM
The POH is a supplement to and not a part of the Operating Limitations issued by the FAA for an experimental amateur-built airplane. I see no reason why you could not amend your POH on your own with no approval from the FAA. The question of Vh is not addressed in any Operating Limitations that I have ever seen, so I see no problem flying the plane with a Sport Pilot license of as a PP acting under the Sport Pilot rules (no medical) as long as it actually complies with the applicable LSA rules.

08-08-2012, 12:49 PM
Thanks; looks like I was misinformed that there was an official number I needed to change. Buying an ELSA is a little confusing!