View Full Version : Webcams - Airshow - OOPs

Jim Heffelfinger
07-23-2012, 03:05 PM
Air show cams up and down - bummer..... now have to listen only.....

Jim Heffelfinger
07-23-2012, 08:12 PM
Well, I finally got an air show feed...
Does the camera person have a director?
Lots of skylarking as action was afoot.

07-24-2012, 08:17 AM
I had a pretty good feed to the airshow, but have to agree about the camera person. Sometimes we had a great view of the action, then the next minute we were looking at the top of a tent or the entrance to the Aviators Club while there was action in the air.

Editing this post. While watching the Airshow today, I figured out the views of the top of tents were probably just to get a light setting. Whoever is taking the video is doing an outstanding job for us who can not be there in person. Thanks