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View Full Version : How many marriages occur at an average Airventure?

Ken Finney
07-11-2012, 03:36 PM
Just a trivia question, having seen a woman in a wedding dress at Arlington a couple of years ago. I'm guessing it is at least a couple per Airventure.

07-11-2012, 03:42 PM
Not sure but the number of divorces post-OSH is probably much higher...

Steve "Limey Owen
07-11-2012, 03:44 PM
I met my wife of 20+yrs at Oshkosh Airshow I moved here from England and personally know a couple who volunteer their time at Flight Line Ops N40' that where married during the airshow 10 yrs ago.

07-11-2012, 03:48 PM
I know of one couple that met at Oshkosh, proposed at Oshkosh, and were married at Oshkosh in successive years.
I didn't get married there, but we did pretty much do our Honeymoon by going to Oshkosh and then cruising around the FLW sites in Wisconsin/Chicagoland.

07-12-2012, 04:54 AM
I' be happy if I could find someone to marry when I come over.... :)

07-12-2012, 12:20 PM
Our wedding anniversary is August 2nd. We were married just outside of Oshkosh near Milwaukee. We spent our honeymoon at the EAA in Oshkosh staying in a backpack pup tent that you couldn't stand up in. The announcer for the airplane raffle gave us a "free" ticket for the raffle as a wedding present. we have spent many an anniversary at Oshkosh. Brought our first born when she was six weeks old and our youngest when she was six months old. dates don't always fall the same for the event like this year so we ill be home again before our anniversary. Didn't ask her at EAA, but it was in an aircraft. didn't marry her there, but did have our honeymoon under a wing or two. Couldn't ask for better...

James Scheibner
07-12-2012, 03:23 PM
8/1/96, opening day in the morning on the Tri-motor. A story my wife and I will be telling our whole lives. Wouldn't change a thing. Thanks again to Pastor Ed. See ya in a few days!

07-12-2012, 07:44 PM
Our wedding anniversary is August 2nd. We were married just outside of Oshkosh near Milwaukee. We spent our honeymoon at the EAA in Oshkosh staying in a backpack pup tent that you couldn't stand up in.

Hey, Kid, you were on your honeymoon, why would you be needing to stand up??!! LOL...happy anniversary!

Vin Rampey
07-15-2012, 08:01 PM
Didn't get married there but did get engaged in AeroShell Square with our plane. Totally surprised her!

08-30-2012, 08:22 PM
Actually, I can personally attest to one... It was a number of years back at Pioneer Airport... a couple met at the ladies activity tent the previous year... fell in love and decided to get married... the Chairperson for activities back then was Jenny Dyke... her husband John designed the Dyke Delta... Well, Jenny decided to throw them a wedding they would not soon forget... she had them married in a hot air balloon that was tethered at Pioneer!... my job... come up with a way that the rest of their guests could hear the ceremony as the only ones in the balloon were the bride, groom, maid of honor, best man, a (very brave) local minister... and of course, the balloon operator! It was easy... I used a wireless microphone that I hooked into an outside P.A. system at one of the hangars. (just yet another thing that I "McGyvered" together at Oshkosh!) Once the party was airborn, the minister began the ceremony, interrupted by the occasional "WHOOOOOOOOSH" from the balloon's burners to keep them aloft!

I don't know if they are still together... and unfortunately, Jenny is no longer with us... but I do have this lovely wall plaque from her with this laser-etched hot-air balloon and a testiment of "THANKS" for making it all possiblle!

There are a few more details to this story but too much for here... If you really want to hear more about it... please stop by the Comm Center during Airventure... I'll be glad to tell you the rest... AND show you the plaque as well!

Larry Mackowiak AKA "Green 5"
Callsign: McGyver
EAA Comm Center "Green Gang"

08-30-2012, 08:31 PM
Okay.. there was also a couple that honeymooned at Oshkosh (this was in the pre-Airventure days!)... with us at Camp Scholler... the rear-leaf springs in the back of my conversion van were never quite the same after that... but a better story is a proposal at Scott Air Force Base several years ago by one of the C-9 nightingale pilots... who was also performing in the show flying his Pitts... His girlfriend, now wife, had no clue what was coming when, in the middle of his act he got down on "one wing" and asked her to marry him... of course she said "YES!" The rest of us on the announcer's stand were all in on it... I even got it on video!;)

08-31-2012, 04:22 AM
The next question is how many divorces happen because of Oshkosh.

09-03-2012, 06:02 PM
Not married at Oshkosh, but married during Oshkosh ’93. In return for giving up that date I received the perpetual and unalterable right to attend all future conventions! I thought that was a pretty good deal.

It turns out she likes the week at Oshkosh as much as I do, so there is no problem being there for anniversaries. It’s been great. She even figured out how to bake anniversary cake using charcoal and a cardboard box.

09-03-2012, 06:38 PM
We are usually driving home from OSH on our anniversary, July 31. This year we were actually home for it. My wife is like Interstater's, she really likes and enjoys the week at OSH, as do my two daughters, ages 17 & 23.

Jim Rosenow
09-04-2012, 07:17 AM
Do honeymoons count as thread creep? My wife and I were married in our 172 at 3000 feet over one of the local lakes...preacher and witness in the rear...her and I sharing the flying duties. We honeymooned (via 172) at OSH 2009, which was her first. :-)

09-09-2012, 03:57 PM
Was it her first honeymoon or AirVenture? Just asking......

Jim Rosenow
09-09-2012, 06:22 PM
Was it her first honeymoon or AirVenture? Just asking......

LOL, Lindberg!!! First AirVenture, LAST honeymoon...and point well taken! :cool:

09-10-2012, 11:34 AM
LOL, Lindberg!!! First AirVenture, LAST honeymoon...and point well taken! :cool:

Well, Belated congratulations. Live long and prosper. BTW: I think I was camping very close to you in the North 40 in 2009. Several times during the night I had to go take a cold shower. :D

Jim Rosenow
09-10-2012, 02:08 PM
Well, Belated congratulations. Live long and prosper. BTW: I think I was camping very close to you in the North 40 in 2009. Several times during the night I had to go take a cold shower. :D

Thanks!.....and I'm gonna figure out a come-back to that 'cold shower' thing any time now!

09-11-2012, 09:16 AM
Thanks!.....and I'm gonna figure out a come-back to that 'cold shower' thing any time now!

Not too worry. I'll take the cold showers; you enjoy!

10-24-2012, 08:15 PM
Thought you might enjoy this story from 2010:


Bob Collins
10-27-2012, 10:12 AM
Hey cool, that's the Interview *I* did (by the way, did you catch all the EAA Radio interviews with people I did this year? (http://rvnewsletter.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-eaa-radio-archives.html)) Anyway, here's some pictures (http://rvnewsletter.blogspot.com/2010/07/oshkosh-wedding.html) of the wedding at Oshkosh. It was really a lovely event and, because of Sloshkosh, the Bonanza folks let the happy couple use their tent in the North 40)

10-27-2012, 11:37 AM
There's no way I could convince Kat to get married at AirVenture. If I had the money and/or clout to make it happen logistically (sadly, I have neither!), I would do my best to convince her to let ride on Aluminum Overcast or another one of the classic birds as a "getaway vehicle" for our trip to Chicago to catch our flights for the honeymoon.

On a related note and kind of humorous note, we've had to institute a disinformation campaign regarding our honeymoon in the spirit of Operation Fortitude. Kat's mother has been on our case about "Doing what Mike and Danica did with their honeymoon". Mike is Kat's cousin whose mother was widowed recently so they invited her to go along on the honeymoon along with the bride's mother. In turn, his mother invited Kat's mother and several others until there were thirteen of us on the trip and only Kat and I were anywhere close to the age of the couple. We didn't find out until we were on board the cruise ship that the bride and groom had never approved this. Their honeymoon was ruined (the groom was trying to find out how to get them home from the first port we visited) and Kat and I are trying to avoid this because we know her parents (read as: "her mother") will invite themselves along.

Therefore, we have created a list of options and figured out what is on exactly the opposite side of the planet. We will only tell them the antipodal options. We aren't giving them any information until right before the wedding and are going to give them three or four options to choose from (in the event of an actual emergency, my parents will know where we are). To paraphrase Churchill, in the time of a honeymoon, the truth is so valuable that it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies.