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View Full Version : Call me a nitpicker...

Jim Hann
07-06-2012, 12:57 PM
I was just downloading the last couple Sport Aviation issues so I can read them on my iPad while not on the net. I noticed something, the file name changed very subtly. In January it was "sportaviation201201-dl" but in February the first portion became of the file name changed to sportsaviation******-dl and has been that way ever since.

Like I said, call me a nitpicker :cool:

Bored in Anchorage during training.

Hal Bryan
07-09-2012, 02:26 PM
Good eye, Jim! We pointed this out to the company that builds and hosts out digital editions each month (once we knew for sure that it wasn't our fault... ;) ) and have asked that they resolve this going forward. Keep an eye out for the August issue and we'll see what happens.