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06-30-2012, 05:37 AM
In years past the members spouse got a discounted rate, not this year, full price.

06-30-2012, 06:45 AM
I have been to OSH seven times in the past; due to spouse's health I cannot go again for the foreseeable future. But as to admission costs, it is obvious that AOPA, EAA, and AARP have (probably due to financial necessity) now all become "money machines" I do belong to all three but lament the ever increasing emphasis on money they need/want/must have.


06-30-2012, 07:46 AM
Yes,the admission has gotten out of hand.But to me ,the thing that get's me the most;$9.00 to park,I thought the land was already paid for?

Old Timer
06-30-2012, 09:50 AM
I cannot afford Oshkosh any more, this is because of the 50% price rise for my wife.

06-30-2012, 11:01 AM
$9.00 to park,I thought the land was already paid for?

Is that just for cars, or do they charge for aircraft to park too? (Just curious, as I've always paid for aircraft camping)

Eric Witherspoon
06-30-2012, 11:06 AM
My Osh trip this year looks about like this:

50% airfare

10% food

20% rental car + gas

20% to EAA - that is camping + show admission

For that I'm getting 4 solid days of all the classes / forums / presentations I can possibly fit in, as well as seeing all of the new aircraft - and probably won't even get to see all the other products / vendors because I'm a sucker for the forums. If anything, it's kind of sad how much of my trip cost is NOT going to putting on the show.Y'all must have missed that the price change had two big reasons behind it - address the complaint that pricing was too complicated, and the idea (real or imagined) that more than a few people were just taking advantage of the "spouse" price. Given the breakdown of my trip above, a few bucks more for a spouse ticket isn't a deal breaker. Double the airfare - that was the deal breaker this time...

Kevin O'Halloran
06-30-2012, 11:42 AM
I may be totally off base--but one of the reasons they raised the spouse ticket----there were a lot of cheap SOBs that would go to registration and buy a normal ticket and a spouce and a student ticket--they go back and give them to the other 2 guys that flew up in the plane with them---
NOW they could be a couple of gay pilots that are married--but I bet they are probably airline pilots !! ( known for being cheap)
So don't get mad at EAA--get mad at the guys that were cheating the system

Eric Page
06-30-2012, 12:07 PM
...I bet they are probably airline pilots !! (known for being cheap)
Hahaha! So true. Just the other day I was upset because the Starbucks in KPHX Terminal 4 no longer offers an employee discount!

06-30-2012, 01:30 PM
No charge for airplane parking, just camping.
What does the "land" being paid for have to do with anything. You think that each item you have to pay for at Oshkosh is it's own cost center?

06-30-2012, 01:51 PM
Yes,the admission has gotten out of hand.But to me ,the thing that get's me the most;$9.00 to park,I thought the land was already paid for?
:thumbsup: That's funny right there.......

06-30-2012, 07:26 PM
if you had the student loan debt of most airline pilots you'd be cheap too.

06-30-2012, 07:37 PM
Alrighty Then.......WOW... Where to start, First, I am NOT a camper BUT I can, and I know how to spend a week or two in a tent comfortably. I have never been to Oskosh, but it has been a dream of mine since I learned to fly in 1991. I was never really interested in building or repairing my own aircraft, then something clicked. I thought ..WHY the heck not!!! So I became a member of the EAA and am still a member of AOPA (since 1991), I do not begrudge EAA for trying to make a buck or two, it only makes sense. So I paid for my entry..My Grandsons entry (9 YOA) and a full weeks camping. However even though I am unaware of a EAA chapter here at PKB (there may be, I just have not contacted them yet or even looked for them) I joined anyway. To me Oshkosh is not about the entry or the fees for workshops and such, or the cost to camp. It is about Flying...Flying any way we can, Beg, borrow or, well short of stealing, If there is something I want and it seems reasonable I have self choice, I can always say "maybe next year". But for me, Honestly, I would rather pay for a trip to Oshkosh with my Grandson than a trip to see a well aged Mouse! He wants to learn, I want to learn, although he is only 9 and a lot of stuff is not yet available to him at Oshkosh, I want HIM to make the decision for returning, Just as well I will make MY decision as to if I will return again. But listening to all the talk of how bad this is or how much that costs is really starting to annoy new people like me. I want to see a lot of Airplanes! I drive all over to see airplanes (of all types) My Granson and I LOVE Airshows. I want him to be a young Eagle, if he chooses.

But folks, to hear the griping and complaing about how much this went up or that was free last time or How miserable I was when the storm went through! Come on guys this is suppose to educational and entertaining add in some fun and throw in some new friends, this should be priceless! when a person gets to the point where they are more complaining than enjoying it is time to stop that activity, not sit on the web and gripe and groan.
I know the economy has taken a hit, I know things go up in price....THATS LIFE!!! You have two choices, keep going and be happy that it does not (yet) cost a thousand bucks just to get in or stay home and dont screw it up for those of us who want to try to enjoy and make our own decisions. Yeah, yeah I know the good old days When everything was free or only cost a dime. Those days are gone, I went through them myself and sometime think back and say, "wow, I remember when...." and then I wake up! That is the past, NOW is the future and the future is our dreams!

So come on lighten up, it is meant to be fun like "Mouseland" But only for a few adventurous souls who have, had or want the experience!

O.k I had my say, now I intend to go and sleep in a tent for a week, Hopefully make new friends and have a lot of "good ole day" memories..with ALL of YOU!

FYI: My Grandson and I will be wearing our "this is my first time to Oskosh, Help me Please!" shirts. So say Hi! if you want to...or not.

Mike Gent, PP, SEL

07-01-2012, 05:44 AM
But folks, to hear the griping and complaing about how much this went up or that was free last time or How miserable I was when the storm went through! Come on guys this is suppose to educational and entertaining add in some fun and throw in some new friends, this should be priceless! when a person gets to the point where they are more complaining than enjoying it is time to stop that activity, not sit on the web and gripe and groan.

I know the economy has taken a hit, I know things go up in price....THATS LIFE!!! You have two choices, keep going and be happy that it does not (yet) cost a thousand bucks just to get in

So come on lighten up, it is meant to be fun like "Mouseland" But only for a few adventurous souls who have, had or want the experience!

FYI: My Grandson and I will be wearing our "this is my first time to Oskosh, Help me Please!" shirts. So say Hi! if you want to...or not.

Mike Gent, PP, SEL

Well said! The glass is still more than half full.


07-01-2012, 06:30 AM
Like I said in the "wow" thread. If you don't want it.............don't buy it!!
How much simpler can it be?

As far as student loans, or borrowing any money for anything...........as Dave Ramsey would say, "that's just plain STUPID."

I don't know of ANY vacation I can take anywhere for the same $3000.00 total. That includes the trip to & from with my 5th wheel, my wife & 2 kids, groceries, admission fees, unbelieveable fun, "free" movies & entertainment, for 11 days (we leave Oklahoma City 4 days before the show).

The cool part is, EVERYONE has TWO choices, take it...... or leave it. Pretty simple, huh?

07-01-2012, 09:12 AM
In years past the members spouse got a discounted rate, not this year, full price.

Really? The airventure website still says that spouses (and guests) get a discount.

*EAA Member Spouse or Guest (limit one)

*As an EAA member, you may purchase one adult weekly or up to seven daily admission tickets for yourself at the EAA member rate. You may also purchase one daily or weekly admission ticket for your spouse or your guest at the EAA member rate for each daily or weekly admission ticket purchased for yourself.


07-01-2012, 09:52 AM
Really? The airventure website still says that spouses (and guests) get a discount.

*EAA Member Spouse or Guest (limit one)

*As an EAA member, you may purchase one adult weekly or up to seven daily admission tickets for yourself at the EAA member rate. You may also purchase one daily or weekly admission ticket for your spouse or your guest at the EAA member rate for each daily or weekly admission ticket purchased for yourself.

Read that a little closer. The spouse pays the same rate as the member (daily 27) or (weekly 115). Last year we paid 175 for member and spouse this year it is 220, these are discounted rates by purchasing early.

Jeff Point
07-01-2012, 10:07 AM
Well, for starters, the "discount rate" is the same as the regular admission rate, while in the past it was actually discounted.

2012 Admission Rates






*EAA Member Spouse or Guest (limit one)

07-01-2012, 10:32 AM
Sorry, new here and I'm used to paying the non-member rate so the word "discount" may mean something different to me than it does to everyone else.

In any case if I read this right I should get a ticket for myself at the $27 rate, and I should be able to buy another ticket for 1 guest at the $27 rate right? I'm planning to go to Osh this year again and would like to know if the prices on the website are outdated or not. Thanks

07-01-2012, 12:20 PM
Just a comment of paying for parking (on already amortized property.) Every year, EAA improves the grounds, making things more convenient for everyone. This includes improvement to the campgrounds, new buildings, repair and modernization of old buildings, new tram service, etc. That is quite a lot of capital investment for something that only runs a little more than a week every year. Personally, I appreciate the improvements and understand that they have to be paid for.

Kyle Boatright
07-01-2012, 12:37 PM
Just a comment of paying for parking (on already amortized property.) Every year, EAA improves the grounds, making things more convenient for everyone. This includes improvement to the campgrounds, new buildings, repair and modernization of old buildings, new tram service, etc. That is quite a lot of capital investment for something that only runs a little more than a week every year. Personally, I appreciate the improvements and understand that they have to be paid for.

Agree. EAA has a lot of overhead that is mostly paid for during one week of the year. That drives high prices. I can live with that.

Here's the thing, though:

EAA is making pretty large money grab between admission prices for members, elimination of the spouse discount, for rent chalets, etc.

The question on the table is "Why?".

Like so many of the other things which have happened in the last year, there has been ZERO communication regarding what the EAA's current strategy is and why so many apple carts are being upset with no apparent explanation. This administration has done a lot of things I don't understand, but if they would explain their strategy and the forces which are driving that strategy, some of it might make sense and might meet with more member approval. Instead, they have failed miserably in that area. They have neither sold the new direction or even bothered to try explain it, pitiful press releases notwithstanding...

07-03-2012, 06:05 AM
I understand paying for tie down fee's at the airport to park for the day.But,$9:00,to park your car for the day,no services needed or provided.With that fee,you should get cold water,and shuttle service to the main gate,and kids parking you that aren't so hateful'As for "the land being paid for";a person would think that EAA was trying to pay a loan on the parking lot off.

07-03-2012, 08:21 AM

Not attacking you at all; just saying that for those of us in major metro areas, $9 is a bargain. Try parking at a Dallas Cowboys game: $75 (and, no water, no shuttle, no help, no nuthin'...). Or a Texas Ranger's game ($12-17) (same level of non-service). And, yes, I *do* understand that in many parts of the country free / $2 parking does continue; I'm just jealous...

07-03-2012, 08:43 AM
With parking prices approaching 2 digits, I hope they'll be getting fast-food type credit card readers to speed things up. I would guess the main issue would be getting data service to the toll booths, but if there's service for scanning prepaid parking then that shouldn't be too much higher a load. Run it through the cell network with the best capacity on site (Sprint?)

07-03-2012, 09:16 AM
Again BB, each thing at Airventure is NOT an independent cost center. In fact I suspect your car parking is subsidizing the cost of parking airplanes on the field because people don't come to the show to look at cars.

The parking, admission, camping, advertising, and cut from the food revenues go into a pot, out comes the expenses of running the show and the result runs the EAA and the EAA Foundation hopefully for another year. Each subgroup within Airventure goes to the show planning and lobbies for both money and the non-monetary (vehicles, comped registrations/camping, etc...) for their respective group.

It's been a few years since I looked on the books but the show in a good year makes about a million on a five million gross (I can't remember if that is for each the EAA and the foundation or that is the total). 2010 was a disaster. Revenue was down and the expenses were higher...

07-03-2012, 09:19 AM
All the cell carriers suck badly at AirVenture. They've not quite figured out how to up the capacity for the show over the normal sleepy Oshkosh environment. The EAA is doing a bit better setting up their own WIFI I think.

Bill Greenwood
07-03-2012, 09:22 AM
The price for one day may be pretty high, but it cost $50 or $100 to play golf for a day, and $105, plus food, to ski at a first class montain like Aspen or Vail for one day.

The EAA weekly price of $117 seems like a bargain, about $16 per day, little more than the cost of two movies.

And I certainly don't see parking "kids being hateful."

07-03-2012, 09:46 AM
So the money goes into a pot,and show expeses come out of that pot;what are the expenses?I thought people voluenteered there labor?So then the money out of the pot goes to;Parking,admission,camping,etc,each is a seperate department?Just trying to understand how it works.Each one gets a "fee" for what every it is they provide?Thought that every thing was under the EAA umbrella,part of the total package.Just asking, so i can understand why the price's on everything are high?

07-03-2012, 10:19 AM
A lot of people of volunteers. Not all are. Even the volunteers need water/gatorade, food. Do you think Port-o-lets come free? Or the trash hauling? Do you think electricity comes free? Do you think that everybody donates the materials and equipment for the buildings, the row markers, the radios, the vehicles? Have you ever put on even a SMALL fly in?

No, it doesn't work the way you envision. The things that can be charged for cover the things that can't be charged for. We're not going to let you opt out of paying for your share of the trash and port-o-let servicing, or opt out of contributing the percentage that the EAA retains to operate the other 350 days of the year.

07-03-2012, 05:02 PM
All the cell carriers suck badly at Airventure...According to http://eaaforums.org/showthread.php?185-Wireless-Services-AirVenture-2011-(Not-Wi-Fi).-Looking-for-feed-back (http://eaaforums.org/showthread.php?185-Wireless-Services-AirVenture-2011-(Not-Wi-Fi).-Looking-for-feed-back.&highlight=cell) Sprint was very good, Verizon had a few congestion problems, then there was a big quality gap down to T-Mobile, and then AT&T bringing up the rear. That's why I mentioned Sprint since I also had good service last year.

07-03-2012, 05:42 PM
According to http://eaaforums.org/showthread.php?185-Wireless-Services-AirVenture-2011-(Not-Wi-Fi).-Looking-for-feed-back (http://eaaforums.org/showthread.php?185-Wireless-Services-AirVenture-2011-(Not-Wi-Fi).-Looking-for-feed-back.&highlight=cell) Sprint was very good, Verizon had a few congestion problems, then there was a big quality gap down to T-Mobile, and then AT&T bringing up the rear. That's why I mentioned Sprint since I also had good service last year.

Just a side note here.
I have sprint for my personal phone, AND IT SUCKS BAD!!

07-25-2012, 11:07 PM
All the cell carriers suck badly at AirVenture. They've not quite figured out how to up the capacity for the show over the normal sleepy Oshkosh environment. The EAA is doing a bit better setting up their own WIFI I think.

Sprint has plenty of capacity. Fact is, Sprint has three towers servicing KOSH year round with the nearest being close to the old cemetary adjacent to the field. Last year (Check the forums to take others' words), Sprint did really well comparative to others. To enhance coverage even further this year, Sprint has rolled two COW's and increased T1 capacity to the towers. Sprint's investment this year and last is well into the six figures.

I am from Sprint. I participated in the wireless carrier Round-table at the EAA HQ in January this year. Mr. Carrier, as he had shared in another thread, is doing his best to get the carriers to upgrade capacity and speeds and is fighting the fight. We (wireless carriers) are responding, yet there are ROI's to consider for the remaining 51 weeks of the year. COW's, COLT's, etc are designed to augment networks when placed appropriately, not replace networks.

I'm sorry if you are a Sprint customer and have a dropped call, or, a slower than normal throughput during a peak period of the event. No carrier for the matter wants customers to have bad experiences. Yet to date, no one carrier has unlimited capacity with gigabit speeds for all simultaneous users particularly in a highly concentrated event.

07-25-2012, 11:09 PM
Just a side note here.
I have sprint for my personal phone, AND IT SUCKS BAD!!

And you were at Oshkosh - AirVenture 2012 when you made this comment?

Greg S
07-26-2012, 12:42 PM
It cost a lot to run the convention. Whoever thought the costs were slight hasn't a clue. Port-a-let rental is a very large bill. And do you think the warbirds buy their own fuel? But I remember when I first started going to OSH, the parking for members was free - non-members pd. 1 or 2 bucks. Now it's $9? They try to outdo each previous year and that costs more $, so they need to RAISE more money. Seems like a vicious circle. More like a carnival atmosphere that an aviation convention. Then EAA sells their soul to big sponsors who in turn drive their own requirements. Granted, when you're hungry for money, you take what you can get, but it sure detracts from the aviation aspect of it all when you have to walk around mechanical bulls, race cars, girls giving shaves, etc., etc. They've grown the event into something that's becoming a little much. It's still a great place to get your yearly aviation fix, but I'm afraid there will come a point when the house of cards will come tumbling down.

Mike Berg
07-26-2012, 01:04 PM
Ummm...I'm going tomorrow. Where do I get the shave from the girls??? Just kidding, but the convention is still a bargain as far as I'm concerned.

Greg S
07-26-2012, 01:48 PM
They were down by the Fly Market when it was still across from the Forums. I think Gillette sponsored them. That was also around the time the "business girls" were handing out their cards up by Gate 346. Yeah, the good 'ole days! You'll enjoy it. (the convention, not the girls!).