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View Full Version : Got a homebuilders story to tell?

06-27-2012, 10:33 AM
This year, I'm hosting a daily radio show on EAA Radio between noon and 1 each day from Monday through Sunday. That's 28 opportunities to put homebuilder stories out front.

Do you have one? Do you know someone who has one. Please help me tell it.

We'll be doing segments on the RV-1, the most important tips for homebuilders, how (mostly) fathers and sons rediscover each other through homebuilding, how homebuilding is being used in schools, etc. We'll also be talking with a gentleman who's had a dream to fly his Falco into Oshkosh. Just one problem: he lives in New Zealand. But he's not letting that stop him.

Here's an example (http://rvbuildershotline.com/articles/2008/leap_of_faith/leap_of_faith.html)of the type of segment I'm interested in, but I'd like to hear your ideas. Just, get 'em too me fast!

You can send them to me directly at bcollinsrv7a@comcast.net

06-28-2012, 05:34 AM
oh good, You're catching up with George and his Falco... Hes going to have quite an adventure!