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View Full Version : 2012 AirVenture Set-up

06-26-2012, 10:54 AM
How is the set-up going? Any pics available from the month-long campers/staff?

Zack Baughman
06-26-2012, 12:35 PM
Here's a sliver of the preparations - the annual move and display of the EAA AirVenture Museum's combat jets collection: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150906747977874.407297.311317067873&type=1

Hal Bryan
06-26-2012, 01:23 PM
And there's some, forgive me, but... happy campers here:


06-28-2012, 06:34 AM
Setting up any webcams yet?

Hal Bryan
06-28-2012, 07:27 AM
Setting up any webcams yet?

That's a work in progress. The cameras that go on the wayfinding towers will be installed early next week, before the towers go up on the 6th or the 9th. We'll make those available as soon as we know they're working.

06-28-2012, 10:46 AM
What ever happened to Steve's Blog? (assuming that Steve is still around) Although infrequent, I enjoyed those posts.

06-29-2012, 07:33 PM
Although infrequent, I enjoyed those posts.

Exactly what I was thinking when I started this thread. I miss the updates from Steve's group too. Maybe someone will pick it back up (airventuresiteupdate.blogspot.com/)

Chad Jensen
06-29-2012, 09:49 PM
Steve is still doing an absolutely fantastic job with us! His blog was quite popular...lots of work tho too...I flew the Cub after work tonight and the grounds are looking great! Didn't take any pics tho. I'm flying young eagles at Pioneer on Sunday, and I'll take some pics to post.

Todd Ritzman
07-04-2012, 09:25 PM
The three cameras that run on a tour were mounted this last Monday, short of one minor issue of a blown power supply on one camera, everything tested out, the replacement power supply has been ordered. If all goes as planned, at least two of those cameras should go online fairly soon with the third after the replacement parts arrive.

Also, we are changing the method of distributing and encoding all the camera feeds this year to allow greater compatability with different operating systems and types of browsers. The three cameras that run on preprogramed tours will be using new hardware encoders due to the logistic of where the equipment is mounted and the Airshow Camera and Theater in the Woods will be encoded using software in hopes of maintaining a higher image quality on those two cameras. A couple months ago we had a sample feed up using the new distribution method and had excellent results and response from the people that tested it.

We will be creating one official forum thread for this years webcam feeds and will try to post on there when we know of difficulties or weather related issues. Please what for this thread to be started in the near future.

Todd Ritzman
Co-Chairman Streaming Media
Life Time Member 268631

07-05-2012, 04:25 AM
Steve is still doing an absolutely fantastic job with us! His blog was quite popular...lots of work tho too...I flew the Cub after work tonight and the grounds are looking great! Didn't take any pics tho. I'm flying young eagles at Pioneer on Sunday, and I'll take some pics to post.


Normally I am a "glass is half full" type of guy and give people the benefit of the doubt.

But with all the other B.S. going on, the only way to interpret your response is that it's too much work for Steve to keep delivering his blog that was very much enjoyed by EAA membership. It shouldn't have taken more than an hour a week to assemble, unless there were too many pre-meetings to determine content.

With all the other PR issues going on, I would think the EAA would look for gems like this to keep folks happier.


Chad Jensen
07-05-2012, 05:10 PM
I hear ya Bob...and I can't speak for Steve. He is the hardest working guy I know around here. I was a in meeting with him today and meant to ask him about the blog, but he had several people to talk to.

BTW, I did take some pics of the grounds last weekend, but haven't moved them from my phone yet. I'll try to get that done tonight or tomorrow if anyone is interested.

07-11-2012, 05:36 AM
The temporary web cam (http://www.haydenworld.com/jwplayer/jwplayertest.htm) shows a lot of tents being set up. Can't wait!

07-11-2012, 06:34 AM
Wow! Looks great out there, can't imagine all that space filled with airplanes, people, and camping. Grass looks pretty dry....

Little over a week away till I leave PA!

07-11-2012, 06:44 AM
Wow! Looks great out there, can't imagine all that space filled with airplanes, people, and camping. Grass looks pretty dry....

Little over a week away till I leave PA!

I'm leaving OK 1 week from today, yea. Be there for the ENTIRE week, plus 2 1/2 days early.:)