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View Full Version : Going to EAA? Looking for Pilots to share their cancer stories!

06-24-2012, 09:51 PM
Catch It In Time (www.catchitintime.org (http://www.catchitintime.org)) is a communication campaign focusing on raising awareness about prevention and early detection of cancer. We are looking to videotape interviews with pilots who have experienced or know someone with this disease. By sharing your flying/building stories as well as your cancer story you can be a part of the effort to raise awareness of the importance of early detection and cancer prevention as well as promoting General Aviation. We will be at EAA all week and would like to talk to you! Let me know if you are interested. By the way, I am a pilot and a member of EAA.

We need your help. Your story matters. You could be the next person to save a life.

06-28-2012, 06:22 PM
Where will you be during Airventure? I'll be there all week, camped with my airplane.

There isn't any doubt that this horrible disease can catch anyone unawares, and that early detection increases the chances for a successful conclusion. From soon after the time I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in September 2009, I've pushed every guy I know over 50 to have PSA tests and regular digital exams, no matter how unpleasant they are. During my radiation treatment and for many months after, I sent regular emails to friends and family, which I called "TOF update". I've jumped through the hoops of a Special Issuance, and I'm encouraged that all remains well. So I'm surely willing to participate.


06-28-2012, 08:14 PM
This is a waste of time. Tried to get it through to the infamous Dr. Chien that there are important needs for early testing for the cancer I dealt with and his answer was to delete my posts and I eventually cancelled my AOPA membership over his stupid approach to the whole subject on the forum. (he will obviously have a different recollection and will certainly insist on defending his BS)
Seems to have some 'Buddy" that insists that early testing has no value and that is totally BS. Saved my life, and has saved many others. PERIOD.

So - this is a sensitive subject and, unfortunately, the damn censors/moderators will twist it around to the point that you will not get out the information that needs to be known and this will desolve into another useless thread that sounds wonderful and accomplishes absolutely zip.

06-28-2012, 08:19 PM
PS: Won't be checking back on this thread EVER, so rattle on to yourselves and all Brucie's groupies can whine to their heart's content......

06-28-2012, 09:33 PM

Thanks for your willingness to help. We will be all over and will arrive on Tuesday. If you don't mind, send me a email at ksinger@catchitintime.org and I will send you my contact info so we can figure out when we can get together. I am looking forward to meeting you!

06-28-2012, 09:39 PM
Even though you are not checking back, your story is exactly what we are trying to do. We have our own stories but the message is the same...Early detection saves lives! One major problem in your thinking...main stream media no longer the only way to get information out to the public. I would love to talk to you about our concept and why it is different.

Zack Baughman
06-29-2012, 06:34 AM
This is a waste of time. Tried to get it through to the infamous Dr. Chien that there are important needs for early testing for the cancer I dealt with and his answer was to delete my posts and I eventually cancelled my AOPA membership over his stupid approach to the whole subject on the forum. (he will obviously have a different recollection and will certainly insist on defending his BS)
Seems to have some 'Buddy" that insists that early testing has no value and that is totally BS. Saved my life, and has saved many others. PERIOD.

So - this is a sensitive subject and, unfortunately, the damn censors/moderators will twist it around to the point that you will not get out the information that needs to be known and this will desolve into another useless thread that sounds wonderful and accomplishes absolutely zip.

Ease off with the hostility please. These are NOT the AOPA forums and we moderators here at EAA tend to be overwhelmingly fair and open minded. Most of us have had to deal with cancer in one way or another, either ourselves or someone we know. If sharing your story during AirVenture can help, then I am all for it.
