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View Full Version : Ultralight arrival and Camping

06-22-2012, 07:57 PM
I'm planning on flying my Titan Tornado to Airventure and would like to park and camp in the ultralight area. I'm not crazy about landing and taking off with my fully loaded up airplane from the 1200 foot ultralight strip. Does anyone know if I can land on 18/36 or 9/27 and taxi to the ultralight parking area, and depart the same way. The instructions do not mention cards for ultralight camping (ULC) or parking (ULP). The vintage guys park and camp nearby so it seems doable. Has anyone done this? If so, how?


06-25-2012, 08:59 AM
I would bet that you could use a sign that said "ultralight". ULS/ULP would just confuse the line people, but most would know where the ultralights are parked.

06-28-2012, 06:29 PM

I contacted the EAA about this situation and here is what they suggested. Make
a "UL" sign and hope the ground crews understand. If they don't you may need to
shut down and tell them what you are trying to do. Taxi south in the vintage
area until you can turn west to the ultralight area. Shut down before crossing
the tram road and push it the rest of the way to a tie down spot. Leaving -
push it across the tram road into the vintage parking and get the attention of a
ground crew member before starting up.

I might actually fly in to the UL grass strip, but I will leave via the main
