View Full Version : Dual GPS and iPad charger

06-18-2012, 04:16 PM
This may be a silly question. I have the Dual GPS, with Bluetooth connect to the iPad. The instructions for the Dual state to use the USB port from a computer to charge the device. Not always convenient to drag the computer around. I was on a popular pilot shop web site and saw a wall plug in charger that has a double USB outlet, advertised to charge both the iPad and the Dual GPS at the same time. That made me wonder if one could use the iPad wall charger to charge the Dual GPS. I'm assuming (yes, i know) that if this advertised device can charge both, then the iPad charger should be able to charge the Dual. Has anyone looked into this? (I can't find the output for the iPad charger, tiny print and can't read it, but dont think it's written there) Thank you.

Chris In Marshfield
06-18-2012, 04:26 PM
Absolutely! No problem at all. Obviously, the white cord that charges the iPad won't fit into the Dual GPS, but you can unplug the iPad's cord from the wall wart and plug the charge cable for the Dual GPS into it.

One thing to note for future reference. You can charge the Dual GPS from just about any source you like (as long as it's got a Micro-USB tip—pretty much a standard connection these days for many devices). It doesn't take a lot of juice to charge that device. The same isn't necessarily true for charging your iPad. It's got a big battery, and takes a charger with some more "oomf" to charge that battery up in a reasonable amount of time.


06-18-2012, 07:03 PM
Thank you Chris. It seemed obvious, but I'm used to devices with proprietary accessories so I thought I would ask. Thanks for the additional information - much appreciated!- AMS

07-01-2012, 07:19 PM
USB tops out at ~5V, and iPad wall chargers step voltage down to that level. No reason why the computer does it any better :)