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06-08-2012, 03:26 AM
I am planning on arriving Saturday around noon. Where should I expect to to be directed to park the plane?


Joe Delene
06-08-2012, 06:53 AM
Do you plan to camp with your plane? How long is your expected stay? What type of plane? Do you qualify for the special parking/camping areas? In the Notam it states you need to make up a sign so you can show the 'flaggers' after you land where you want to go. Much of the parking for general aircraft is on the North side of 9/27.

06-08-2012, 06:55 AM
Flying DA40. Staying from Saturday noon to Thursday morning. No camping. No special status.

06-08-2012, 08:32 AM
...and PLEASE don't use a ballpoint pen to make your sign! Holding up (what looks to us like) a blank piece of paper only slows the progression. Make those letters thick and bold! Thanks!

06-08-2012, 08:36 AM
It's in the NOTAM, but you want GAP or GAC on the sign depending on whether you are camping or parking.

I have a lot of fun with the signs. I also have a THANK YOU sign I put on the back of the parking sign that I show after they note where I'm going. One of the flaggers even took my picture one year.

06-08-2012, 10:09 AM
It's in the NOTAM, but you want GAP or GAC on the sign depending on whether you are camping or parking.

I have a lot of fun with the signs. I also have a THANK YOU sign I put on the back of the parking sign that I show after they note where I'm going. One of the flaggers even took my picture one year.

Good idea! I'll have to...ahem...steal that idea and make one for myself this year. :)

06-14-2012, 06:02 PM
I will be arriving on Saturday morning July 21 and leaving Sunday morning July 29. In the past I have camped but will be staying in a bed and breakfast this year. Will I park in the camping area, I believe it is referred to as N 40 Donald

Joe Delene
06-15-2012, 04:37 AM
If one is parking & then staying off site you may be better off parking in the 'GAP' section. I'd think if you get directed to the 'GAC' section they may expect you to register & pay the camping fee. Both areas are somewhat to the North or NW part of the airport. I would think you can just park in the GAP area & leave the plane sit a few days while you later take your gear to the B&B or wherever. The particulars may be spelled out on the EAA site.

06-15-2012, 07:43 AM
As Joe points out there are separate Camping and Parking areas. The Parking area pretty much starts at the Terminal and runs west along the north side of the runway. The camping area starts on the southside just past the warbirds and runs west and then wraps around the end of the runway and runs east. Eventually the two collide somewhere on the north side of the runway.

There's no fee to park. Parking is closer to the off field stuff. They only get interested in camping credentials if you have a tent erected, but for couresty's sake don't take up a spot in the camping area as it is closer to the camping amenities (showers, etc...) for those who are actually camping.

THe area around 9/27 for GAP/GAC is collectively called the North 40 (or as we down in vintage refer to it, spam can parking).

One thing that tends to confuse people is that Vintage parking/camping covers aircraft manufactured up until the end of 1970.
We have seperate VAC/VAP if you're 1970 or older.

07-09-2012, 07:56 AM
Just to clarify...camping credentials are needed in GAC. You will have to pay each night in GAC whether you set up a tent or not. You will want to go to GAP. On Saturday at noon you will almost certainly be parked in front of the "Basler" FBO.