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05-04-2012, 12:28 PM
Anyone know of an air show where the sound barrier is actually broken? I know that at most air shows, they only come close to it and produce the white water vapor shock cone.

05-04-2012, 04:17 PM
Since it's generally not allowed over populated areas (one reason the supersonic transport concept- such as the Concorde- was restricted to transoceanic operations), my guess would be "no". The idea of breaking the sound barrier that close to people and property would result in a lot of damage and injuries. At very least, it would cost the pilot his flying privileges most likely.

Also, I have been told (but never seen any hard proof) that the "vapor shock cone" doesn't necessarily require getting all that close to the sound barrier depending upon the atmospheric conditions.

05-04-2012, 04:23 PM
Just encourage an unsuspecting buddy to go flying when the next presidential TFR pops up, then position yourself between him and the nearest military base.

05-04-2012, 04:33 PM
The Edwards AFB airshow always opens with (a famous pilot) breaking the sound barrier (riding back seat in an F-15E these days). That is, when they host an airshow - it's kind of hit or miss what years they do it.

05-04-2012, 04:44 PM
The Edwards AFB airshow always opens with (a famous pilot) breaking the sound barrier (riding back seat in an F-15E these days). That is, when they host an airshow - it's kind of hit or miss what years they do it.

I wasn't aware Edwards had an airshow. I guess if you're going to bust the sound barrier the middle of the desert is the place to do it. LOL

05-04-2012, 05:06 PM
Growing up in the 50's, it was not unusual to hear the sound barrier being broken by Airforce jockys flying out of March Field. Any time we went to airshows that had a military presence, breaking the barrier was commonplace, and expected...

As I said, back in the good ol' days...

05-04-2012, 06:31 PM
As I said, back in the good ol' days...

"What? You're going to have to speak up. I can't hear you. What?" ;)

I guess I'm an oddity since I don't enjoy the noise that comes with the fighter jocks showing up to an airshow. Nothing drives me away from the flightline more quickly than that actually. Now the sound of a radial engine is a thing of beauty but the shrill shriek of an F-22 or F-16 is just painful (and this is coming from someone who purposefully lives under the approach a fairly busy commercial airport). I can only imagine that one of them breaking the sound barrier within close proximity would be excruciating.

05-04-2012, 11:11 PM
One of the Thunderbirds accidentally broke the sound barrier at the Davis-Monthan AFB air show in Tucson last month. The Air Force is offering to pay for broken windows and other results of the sonic boom. Fortunately, the effects were pretty localized or it could have been really expensive. My windows are intact.

Frank Giger
05-04-2012, 11:54 PM
About a zillion years ago the Montana ANG used to accidentally pop the sound barrier over Great Falls, which us kids thought was super groovy.

Every time they'd issue one of the most official sounding non-apologies ever produced, as they did it high enough not to break windows.

05-05-2012, 01:56 AM
I've heard a high-altitude boom before (thank you 181st TFS, INANG ;) ) and it's kind of neat but the idea of one at low-level show center just sounds painful.